Saturday, April 11, 2009

Polka Dot Scraps ~ Cecile

My super talented friend Cecile has just opened her very own Etsy Shop

She has some darling handmade scrapbook goodies ... they are so cute and whimsical.

Click Here to visit her darling shop!

And on a side note ... does anyone watch Lost? I watched it in the beginning and I will catch it here and there ... but honestly when I watch it I feel "lost" and not sure what's going on.

Anyway ... Jorge Garcia the guy that plays Hurley has a blog that I love. I visit daily and I thought I would share the link to his blog with you in case you might like to visit too. So
click here to visit his "Dispatches From The Island" blog.

Happy Friday!


  1. ive never gotten into lost but my daughter is scheduled for surgery and she has the first four thinking im about to become a big lost fan! and congrats to cecile!!!

  2. I am not a big lost fan. I will check out his site though.

  3. OMG...I love "Lost"! It really is one of those shows you have to watch from the beginning to understand. I watched from Season 1 on last summer. I really look forward to it every week. Try to watch them online or rent the seasons.

  4. Thanks so much Missy!!!You are the aweetest to do this!!Love Ya Bunches:)I am going to do a RAK with the posies after next week we are going out of town for spring break..So if anyone wants some free posies check back:)

  5. I can vouch for Cecile's creativity and talent. I have already purchased some of her neat posies. Go on and check her out. I'm not a lost fan, sorry.
