Thursday, April 02, 2009

It's April.

It's hard to believe it's already April.

Where did January, February and March go?

Flowers are starting to bloom in our area.

The grass is turning green ... leaves are starting to sprout on the trees ... rain is falling from the sky ... warmer weather is fast approaching.

I've never truly appreciated spring before. Now that I have a child that loves to be outside ... well, it just makes me appreciate this wonderful season that much more.


  1. I'm ready for warm weather too.......what is it about boys that they want to be outside all the time?.......I guess the fresh air is better for them anyway!

    I love the picture.......adorable!!!!

    Happy Thursday!

  2. Spring IS here!! Yipppeee!!

  3. I sure do miss Spring. I miss all the seasons. But the air seems fresher, cleaner in the Spring. It's nice that Griffin gets to spend so much time outdoors and that you are enjoying it with him.

  4. That is a beautiful picture! I love Spring too! I can't wait till our little man wants to play outside all the time...I get real anxious to get out my ball glove this time of I need a throwing

  5. Don't you just love spring?

  6. Good riddance to the cold weather of Jan & Feb and our atypically cold weather this March. I am SO ready to enjoy Spring!

  7. What an adorable picture!
