Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Fourteen Years.

Today Mike and I are celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary.

I thought it would be fun to share some of the pictures from that day. On Sunday when I was cleaning out the spare room I went through 3 boxes of pictures looking for our professional wedding pictures. I couldn't find them.

I did come across a few candid shots from that day ... so those are the ones I can share.

This is after the wedding ceremony ... Mike, me and my sister Joy.

This is before the ceremony. LOL ... look at that dress I'm wearing. I'm sitting here with my maid-of-honor/sister-in-law/best friend

Apparently someone in the crowd took this picture ... and it's the only picture I could find of (most) of the wedding party. My sister Joy, my good friend
Robin, My SIL Bonnie, Me, Mike, my brother Jerome, Mike's brother Ray.

You can also see my sweet Daddy (JC) in the front row on the right. He looks like he's clapping his hands. You can also see Bonnie's son, it's either Wade or Scott I can't be sure which.

And another fun picture I found. Three blogging buddies ... LOL. This was my wedding shower held at the Rotary Club in Winter Haven. My SIL Bonnie and my friend Robin hosted the event.

Fourteen years ... it has just flown by ... I love my husband dearly.

I'm such a lucky girl.


  1. Congrats on 14 years!
    I will be married 7 years the 20th this April.

  2. Yeah! 14 Years! Congratulations!

    The before the ceremony dress looks a little BOHO Chic!

    Thanks for sharing your special day with us!

    Here's to many more!

  3. Boy how time flies. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Wow, I looked GOOD! LOL. I have some other wedding pics in my picture box from your wedding...maybe I'll post them when I get home. I'm not sure which one of my kids is with JC. I think it's Wade. Your were such a beautiful bride, you still are. And Mike is such a handsome devil.

  4. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! We just celebrated our 4th last month. I know in no time we will be celebrating our 14th and wondering the same thing as you..."Where did the time go?" Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  5. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on your special day!

  6. Happy Anniversary......I hope you have many, many more happy years together!

  7. Happy Anniversary Missy and Mike! I love these pictures...what a beautiful bride! I think the dresses were great!

  8. Happy Anniversary to you both! Love that pictures, thanks for sharing them.
    You made a beautiful bride Missy.

  9. I was just looking at the post about the was 10 years from prom to marriage? For some reason I thought ya'll had been married since you graduated from High
    There has to be a great story about that!

  10. Congrats on 14 years!!!You are still as pretty as that day 14 years ago:) This year will be 20 years for Jeff and I and I am working on my wedding scrapbook and I am hoping to finish it before Sept.:)And yes Bonnie you did(and still do) look darn good too!!!Oh yeah the dresses were great:)

  11. wow Missy, we have so much in common! both love crafts, both have beautiful boys and we were both married on the same day!!! I am celebrating 9 years today!!!! April 8!!! My parents were married on the 10th! congrats...

  12. Congratulations Missy! I amlate of course but I kept the wish warm!
    I loved seeing these pictures...what fun and you were a beautiful bride!!

