Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thanks For Lending A Hand.

When I went to pick Griffin up from school on Tuesday he kept asking me to look inside of his backpack.

While at school he was a big helper and helped Mrs. Linda push in the chairs ... for that gentlemanly act of kindness he was presented with this darling "Thanks For Lending A Hand" certificate ... which he is very, very proud of.

I think it's wonderful when teachers recognize good behavior ... you just can't imagine how proud he is of this little piece of paper.

Here he is holding up his certificate ... all sweet and proud.

See the wall behind him? We call that his art wall ... this is where we hang his new pieces of art, his sticker creations and just about anything he's created. I have to change the pictures out from time to time to make room for all of his creative energy.


  1. Awwww......He looks so proud.....and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the art wall!

  2. the art wall is a GREAT idea and one i will suggest to my daughter for my grandson baby jake - he's just starting to enjoy "coloring"! and congrats to griffin - what a great award and he looks so cute!

  3. You can tell he is proud of his certificate...what a great thing for the teachers to do. It really is a morale booster. And I LOVE the art wall. I don't think I ever hung anything the kids made except Christmas ornaments. I do have their artwork packed away in totes that they will get it whne they finally settle down.

  4. That is so sweet!!!

  5. Good job Griffin!!!

  6. Awww, way to go Griffin! I too love the art wall, great idea!
