Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little Red Wagon.

If you've visited my blog before, you've probably seen this wagon in many of the pictures.

I bought this wagon when I was pregnant with Griffin. I got it from the local Clothes Closet Thrift Store for only $10.00. I remember when I bought it Mike asked me what on earth I was going to do with it. It literally sat on our front porch for about a year and a half before Griffin was old enough to show any interest in it.

Then when he did ... he pulled it everywhere. It's carried him, his friends, pumpkins, leaves, wood, even a snowman and too many other things I can't think of.

He's had ALOT of fun with it ...

Well ... let me introduce you to the newer, improve model.

This was one of our gifts to Griffin for his birthday.

Looky there ... this wagon is big enough to hold three boys! I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago when Grandma Bett and our friends Heidi, Ryan and Evan were visiting for his birthday.

Taking a walk down to the farm ... it's actually a picture of me in all my gray hair glory. Griffin and I have both had haircuts since this picture was taken. Unfortunately the gray hair still remains.

We made it down to the farm and Griffin got out of the wagon to stretch his legs.

Here Griffin is pulling Grandma and Ryan is in the back pushing ...

Another view so you can see Ryan.

And ... honestly ... if there is a mud puddle ... Griffin's going to find it.

He loves playing with his wagon. His little imagination just goes wild when he's pulling it around the yard playing this or that.

Hope ya'll have a GREAT day!


  1. i loved my little red wagon when i was a kid - though my brother used to think it was his... lol. such cute photos!

  2. I think it's so great that Griffin gets outside and plays. So many kids today are brought up to stay inside in front of a TV or a computer. I think his new ride is cool too!

  3. I love that he was giving Grandma a ride in his wagon...way too cute.

  4. Our wagon broke so I guess the kids need a new one...they like having it at the Beach, but your pictures make me wish they could enjoy the outdoors like that :)

  5. I always had a wagon for my kids. They are the best!

  6. That was one of the best gifts Mark ever got, I have tons of pictures of almost everyone pulling Mark and or sam up and down the street we use to live on.

    These pictures are adorable!

  7. I think my favorite picture is the one with grandma in the wagon. That's too cute!

  8. I'm sending you some pix from that wonderful pumpkin party - really precious memories!

  9. I love all of the pics and I would love to live near a farm::))Enjoy!!

  10. Love the wagon pictures and the mud puddle one made me laugh out loud. It deserves a scrapbook page!

  11. I love wagons...remember the one I put plants in? I love that picture of Bett in the wagon. I think you should have that blown up and framed and send it to her. I know if I had a picture like that I would hang it on my wall. It's so nice seeing all of you having so much fun.

  12. I love wagons...remember the one I put plants in? I love that picture of Bett in the wagon. I think you should have that blown up and framed and send it to her. I know if I had a picture like that I would hang it on my wall. It's so nice seeing all of you having so much fun.
