Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone ...

Especially to the two loves of my life ... Mike & Griffin.

How about a little give-a-way?

I will make one of my "Bushel Of Love Tear Bear Paper Piecings" for the random give-a-way winner.

All you have to do is leave a comment on THIS post to be registered to win. In your comment please share your favorite thing about Valentine's Day.

Easy Peasy ... right?

Comments will be accepted Saturday, February 14th and Sunday, February 15th. The random winning comment will be drawn on Monday, February 16th and announced right here on my blog.

Hope your day is filled with love & happiness ...


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    i love all the hearts and red and pink of valentines day. the world seems a bit nicer too.

    happy valentines missy to you and your valentines!

    jen from pa

  2. Happy Valentines Day to the Glave family!

  3. Oh Missy, you are such the giving person!

    Happy Valentines Day to you!

    I love Valentines Day, because its another day that I can be mushier than ever about loving my honey. Also, another reason to get into my scrapping room and make some cards!

    Have a great day Missy!


  4. I love Valentines day because as a card maker, I can use lots of colors and hearts for men and women, boys and girls. And our best of friends always get together for a couples dinner at a one of our homes...yum tonight.

  5. Valentine's lets us all share our love past just our immediate loved ones. All the world needs is more love!

  6. my favorite thing about valentine's is the reminder to love everyone as Christ loved us... it's a wonderful thing to be reminded of as we rush around this busy world.

    and a happy valentine's day to you dear friend! you are such a sweet and wonderful lady. it's been my pleasure to know you these past several years.


  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    My two boys (4 and 1 1/2) LOVE flowers- picking them, smelling them, giving them to was so sweet when my husband, a manly man cowboy, gave us 3 long stem roses- one for me and one each for them. They were so excited and I thought it was so precious!

  8. Happy Heart Day to you and yours. It's a lot of fun to share sweet things, and I'd like to ask a favor. As a non-scrapbooker, I'd love to see a tear bear 'in action'....TIA!

  9. Happy Valentine's Day to you Missy!! I hope you have a great day with your 2 guys:)
    I love Valentines Day because my DH always thinks about me in a unique but special way and making sweet treats with my sweet boy Cole.

  10. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Thanks Missy and many hearts to your and yours.

    With trying to keep work, husband and kids happy sometimes it's hard to make that "special" dinner including annivery, as something always comes up and there's always tomorrow. But for some reason Valentine's Day is always different. I think mainly becuase it is for the WHOLE family that I am make a special heart meal for.

  11. Anonymous3:01 PM

    My favorite part of Valentine's day is the fun that the children have with it. The love to make their valentine's for friends, and they have so much fun at their school parties. And they have such fun making secret treats for my husband and I.

    We enjoy the day as a whole family day, we'll have pizza later tonight and play board games as a family. Even though all three of the kids are fighting colds this year! :(

  12. Happy Valentine's Day, Missy!! I hope you enjoy it with your family!! Today, my husband had a movie and a basket with two bears and candy waiting for my granddaughter when she woke up. After watching the movie, we made cupcakes together. I guess my favorite thing about Valentine's Day is simply sharing the love!! :) Judy

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Happy Valentine's Day Missy! I hope you have a great day with your two favorite men!

    My favorite thing is usually making valentines, but this year I bought them at the $ store because I am still recovering from brain surgery in November. This year my favorite thing is that I am here to spend the day with the family I love so much, which I thought might not be the case back in November. I am thankful for every single day now, and this special day gives me another chance to tell my family how much I love them!

  14. Anonymous10:27 PM

    the valentine teddy bear paper piercing is adorable!!! I love your work.
    Amanda from Florida

  15. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I love your work! Your valentine bear is adorable.

    We had kind of a blah Valentine's Day this year. We spent the morning getting new brakes on hubby's car. In the afternoon, my oldest daughter had play practice. Then, I took hubby out to buy him some new dress shirts for work. My gift from him was a bowl of sorbet from Cold Stone Creamery.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day to you too Missy!

    What a cute little Bear! I too love Valentine's Day and everything that goes with itl flowers, cards, candy. But my favorite memory is one from childhood when we would take an empty shoebox to school and in art cover it with construction paper and cut out hearts, crepe paper, glitter, etc. Then we would add our names to the box and carefully...with the teachers assistance...cut a slit in the top for our Valentine cards to be dropped into. It was so much fun to open those boxes on Valentine's Day and read our cards from our classmates and teachers. We'd always have punch and cookies or cupcakes that day too. I hope children are still doing fun things like this on Valentine's Day.

  17. I'm new to scrapbooking and found this site through a yahoo group. I love your little bears. I haven't seen anything like that in the crafts store. They look like they are very unique. Looks like you and your family had a Happy Valentine's Day. Have a great day!

  18. THis year I had to take a CPR/AED class on Valentine's day! What could be more appropriate than that? Taking a class about keeping a heart beating on a day everyone's is beating with LOVE. My special thing every year is to put on bright lipstick and kiss the mirror in my husband's room. Then I write "I LOVE YOU" on it and he never wipes them off. I am running out of mirror space, lol.

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    guess that'll teach me to stay on top of blog reading, I'm too late, LOL.
