Tuesday, February 10, 2009

16 Random Things

I've been tagged to share "16 Random Things" about myself ... I honestly can not remember who tagged me, so if it was you ... please let me know.

1. I collect Coca~Cola memorabilia, yet I drink Diet Pepsi

2. When I was a little girl I took piano lessons ... the only thing I can play on the piano now is the song "If" ... and not very well.

3. My mother (Syble) passed away when she was 43 ... I will be 42 this year and once I pass that 43 milestone, I think I will feel "safe" in some way.

4. I love to blog ... it's a creative outlet, a way to make new friends and a way to keep in touch with family and friends. I average about 62 visitors per day on my blog ... I wish I knew who my visitors were. If you visit, please leave a comment, I would LOVE to know you were here.

5. I love to read ... I do it quite frequently, actually. I must admit my favorite authors are Nora Roberts and Debbie Macomber.

6. Temperature wise ... I would much rather be hot than cold. I do not enjoy cold weather ... at all! I guess it's that southern blood in me.

7. My maiden name is Hutto

8. I was born and raised in Central Florida. I lived there the first 36 years of my life. I miss it. We've only lived here in Virginia for about 5 1/2 years ... it is beginning to feel more like home here.

9. When I'm reading or working on my paper piecings, I have to have bright light. I just can't function with dimmed lights.

10. Quite is something I crave ... when Griffin is sleeping and Mike is not home, rarely do I have the TV on. I enjoy the quite.

11. I secretly wish I was related to Paula Deen ... maybe she could be my Aunt ... I think she would be a hoot to be around

12. I married my high school sweetheart ... we've been together for 24 years!

13. I'm not a patient person ... I do not like waiting on other people.

14. My favorite meal of all time is Bourbon Chicken from the chinese restaurant at the mall ... I wish I knew how to cook it myself.

15. I'm a list maker ... if I do not write things down, I forget too easily.

16. My family means everything to me ... every single one of them.

That's it ... 16 totally random things ... about me!


  1. i LOVE quiet too... i crave it!! what a great random list!!! happy tuesday!! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing, I love learning little things about people. I am with you on the quiet, I don't see me getting any for several years! LOL

  3. About getting past 43... My only Uncle passed away at 38 and because of all the problems I was having (cervical cancer at age 27)I was sure I would never make it to my 40th birthday. My 40th was 18 years ago! Hang in there Missy...you'll be ok.
    I also need very bright light when I'm paper piecing or scrapbooking. I used to take a small lamp to crops so I'd have enough light on the table!

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I just wanted to leave a comment saying that although I don't have a blog, I am a blog reader and I check in on your blog everyday. sometimes I leave comments but mostly I don't, but just know that i read every post!

    Jen from PA

  5. I like this post. I will have to try it.

  6. I love your list Missy and I think I knew all those things about you but the piano playing part. I'm fairly certain Griffin will be a drummer though and not a piano player.

    Have a fun day!

  7. okay... the coke and the pepsi thing? i just don't understand. lol

  8. I love that picture you put on this post. I also like the quiet...always have. And about the coke & pepsi...well you know...I collect Pepsi and I drink Diet Coke....must be a weird sister in law thing, lol.
