Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Wow ...
Happy, Happy New Year dear friends!

How about let's start the New Year off with a fun little give-a-way???

The other day when we were at Wintergreen Resort, Bett and I visited a few of the boutiques. This sweet little Vera Bradley ID/Change Purse caught my eye and I knew I had to get one of them for myself!

Well ... guess what? I got a second one to share via a little bloggy give-a-way.

If you are interested in winning, all you have to do is leave a comment on THIS post. In your post, please let me know how you found my blog if you are not a regular visitor. It's THAT easy.

If you are not a member of Blogger, you can still enter to win. Just leave your comment using the "anonymous" selection, please be sure to include your name (first name, last initial will be fine) and maybe the city or state you are from.

If you would like an additional entry ... FOLLOW ME . Please leave a separate comment letting me know you are already following me or another comment once you choose to FOLLOW ME. It's easy to FOLLOW ME ... just look to the right side of my blog and you will find the little gadget that you click on to do so.

And how about a third way to gain another entry ... if you want to post my bloggy give-a-way on your blog. Make a blog post on your blog about my give-a-way and then come back to my blog and leave another comment letting me know you posted it on your blog.

So in reality you could have THREE entries to win ... original comment, follow me comment and blog post comment.

I will accept comments on THIS post through Sunday, January 11th, 2009. One random winner will be selected on Monday, January 12th, 2009 and the winner will be announced right here on my blog.

Please remember ... there can only be ONE winner.

Now ... please go and comment, follow and post on your blog and good luck!

Happy New Year Ya'll!


  1. Happy New Year Missy!!! Oh I love Vera Bradley and think that litle ID/Change Purse is adorable.

    So here is my comment about how I found you!!! Drum roll please...I know you in real life...not just the blog world!!! That's right...we're real flesh and blood friends and I started blogging because of you. Originally you mentioned in an email to me that you had a blog after you moved from sunny Florida to Virginia so reading it was a way to catch up with what was going on in your life there. I guess you oculd say I was a "lurker" because I never left a comment or even considered starting my own blog. Then I think it was at your baby shower down here in Florida that I mentioned something about reading it and knowing something and you asked..."why don't you leave a comment?" So I did and then I got brave and decided to start my own blog and the rest shall we say is "history" because I'm still at it. I must say I have met the most wonderful people through the internet and blogs!

    For my second entry...I'm already a follower...that little Boston Terrier icon is me!

    And for my 3rd entry...not sure if you'll count this because my blog is private...but I will post about your giveaway on it later today!

    Hope this isn't too long...are there extra points for that???

    Happy New Year!!! Love, Andi

  2. Missy I found you through Wendy's Blog. I am not sure how she found you?? She will have to let us know. I do enjoy finding out what you have to say everyday. And see pictures of that cute Griffin!!!

  3. Woa!! You do have a lot of followers. I have been signed up as a follower for awhile.

  4. Sign me up! I found you through either Wendy or Judi...can't remember!

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I have been following you before blogs, before you started selling on ebay. I absolutely adore your work and have many of your pieces both in my scrapbooks and some waiting for that perfect picture.

  6. Happy New Year Missy! I found your blog through Mandy. I do enjoy reading your blog about all the fun things you do with Griffin.

  7. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Hi Missy! It's finally me,
    Beth Anne, commenting on your blog. It ridiculous that is has taken me so long to leave a comment. I believe I first learned of your blog, maybe the second time I met you. You shared your card with me at story time. And I've enjoyed reading your blog weekly ever since. Miss seeing you, so maybe this is a new way for us to keep in touch more. :) Happy New Year to you and yours!

  8. I love Vera Bradley yum!!!
    I found you Missy on Ebay checking out your scrappy stuff and started to lurk your blog and then I started to comment and then you inspired me to start my own blog.
    And I have been on of you followers for a while now.And I will definatly post your give-away on my blog!!
    Thanks for the chance to win I {heart} you!!

  9. Anonymous10:35 PM

    That is so cute. Please enter me and I do follow you.
    Hope you have a Happy New Year.

  10. Anonymous11:44 PM

    What a great way to start the new year! I found your blog from you, I think I even had to have you e-mail me the address! I am new to leaving comments, and have yet to choose an identity in Google/Blogget. One step at a time! Hope you had a good first day of 2009.
    -Rachel Z.

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Happy New Year!

    I don't remember how I found you. But I think it was through your paper piecings forever ago. You were the first blog I ever read!

    Thanks for such a great givaway!

    Jen from Pa

  12. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Hey! I found you thru an e-bay auction. I was looking at your great paper piecing and decided to check out your blog. You stories are so cute I am hooked.

    Kristen C.

  13. Hey Missy! I first found your blog from, ummmmm, I really can't remember. It must have been Wendy or Judi's blog. Ok, I'm going to post about your give-a-way now. Thanks for offering the cute Vera Bradley!

  14. Hi Missy, I love VB, I found your blog through Cecile, she is one of my GA buddies. Thanks for the contest.

  15. Missy I posted a link on my blog for your give-a-way.
    Thanks! Dawn

  16. Happy SITS-day to you Missy
    As you have seen I have declared this the YEAR OF THE BLOGGER
    And in doing so I have added you to my give away 2009 post.
    Pop over to:
    and check it out.
    So this is my comment and my post for you. Now I have two entries. Woot I feel lucky!

  17. Happy New Year! I found your blog via Scrappin Cecile :) I am doing the Project 365 thing so you can check it out at my newest blog here:

    I love VB...hope I win :)

  18. Thank you for the opportunity to win your give-away. I found you from Mandy's Blog and I read you daily! I can't ever wait to see what neat things your family is up to.

  19. I have been a follower of your blog since I found you!

  20. Me again. Wanted to say that I am now an "official" follower and posted about your give-a-way. Thanks for the oppurtunity!

  21. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Hi Missy,
    I found your blog by reading Donielle's. I am her mother and sometimes reading her blog is the only way I can catch up on her, Jimmy and the girls. I think these blogs are great.
    Sue R.

  22. Anonymous7:58 PM

    LOVE Vera Bradley!!!

  23. Oh wow - I so would love that VB purse!! I follow your Missy Made It for all your craft items and it's the first time I checked out your family blog - soooo cute!!

  24. Happy New Year!! Thank you so much for offering this beautiful Vera Bradley bag. I absolutely love VB. I found your blog from Donielle. I will be following your blog and will post about this on my blog.

    I also sell on Ebay. I have been selling on Ebay for almost 5 years. I sell childrens clothes new and previously worn.

    I hope the new year brings you many new customers.


  25. What fun! Who doesn't love Vera Bradley? Her factory, in Ft. Wayne, is less than 40 miles from our home. All the shops carry her wares.
    I've found several items at yard sales, for a dollar, well worn, much loved...but still usable.
    To win a NEW piece would be divine!

  26. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I found your blog thru the email/newsletter I get from you. Years ago I purchased a punchart bear and pumpkins piece from you. Have enjoyed looking at your stuff ever since. Someday I'll get back to scrapbooking! Thanks for entering me for the VB purse.

  27. Hey Missy.. I found you through Mandy or Donielle or Shelley or somebody.. I peep over here at your blog every now and then.. I am going to 'follow' you now though..

  28. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Well, Happy New Year to you as well. I'm a regular, and oldie but goodie :)

  29. Anonymous8:52 PM

    2nd entry is that I'm already a follow you reader :)

  30. I read about your sweet give-away on Andi's blog. Please include me...Linda

  31. Look at all of these new people! Isn't that fun?? : )

    I think it was you who found me first...and it was through you that I found Andi and them Jen. I am forever grateful to have found all 3 of you as knowing you has enriched my life.

    I am a follower to be sure...I see my icon there!

    You are a of the best!


  32. What a great giveaway!! I found you thru!!!

    please contact me at:

  33. Following you!!

    please contact me at:

  34. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I would love to win this - really cute! I found your blog thanks to a google blog search!!!

  35. Anonymous12:20 AM

    How sweet of you to have this giveaway! :) I'd love to win...oh, and I found you on Google! :)

  36. Hi Missy
    I found you on ebay a few years ago. Time flies so fast and now I read your blog every morning when I wake up. Thank you for all you do Missy your the BEST!

    Oh and I have always wanted a Vera Bradley. It's so me!
    Happy New Year and Thank you!!

  37. Hi Missy - Of course I found your blog through your beautiful paper piecings! And...I started blogging because of you! (not that I'm such a great blogger right now!)

  38. Considering I won the last give a way, I doubt that I would win twice in a row! But...I'd like to try! lol
    I know my daughter, Laura, would love to have the little purse, she loves Vera Bradley.

    I really don't remember how I found your blog, I think it was through your old website...I've been following it since BEFORE Griffin was born! Wow...long time lol
