Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Angel Face At 3.75

I love being a mommy ... and I'm soooo lucky to be the mommy to one of THE sweetest little boys on earth.

This has always been one of my favorite pictures of Griffin ...

I've called this picture "Angel Face" since the day I took it. I believe this picture was taken in April 2006. He was just over a year old.

It's hard for me to believe our little guy is going to be 4-years-old in exactly a month. Oh my ... where did the time go?

The other day we had to go to Home Depot to get some wood. I had to go in with Mike because he needed help loading 44 huge pieces of wood. Wouldn't you know, that's when Griffin decided he needed to nap. So, I took off my jacket and put it in the buggy and then layed him down to finish his nap ...

He stayed asleep ... it didn't faze him one little bit.

So folks ... may I present ... another new favorite picture:

Angel Face At 3.75 (years old that is!)


  1. awww... WHAT a cutie!!! he is adorable!!!

  2. Cherish these moments. He is such an angel(at 1.20 or 3.750.

  3. What sweet pictures.....I think they would be my favorite too. He is one precious little boy!

  4. Love the pictures! Little boys look so innocent when they're sleeping.

  5. Just stopped by to say "Hi" from the ship! Talk to ya soon..

  6. Oh my gosh...sooo sweet!! And you are right to name that picture angel face. How precious! Griffin and my little Leah are about one month apart in age. She'll be 4 in March, and I can't believe it!

  7. He is so stinkin cute and he will always be your angel I call Cole My Angel Boy all the time and he is 10:(

  8. Missy, My first thought when I looked at the "Angel Face" was He "perfect".... And he looks just like an Angel... As for Time.... Where does it go??? T

  9. He is too darn cute!!! You need to have another one!!

  10. What a beautiful child! And those eyelashes!!!

  11. What a cute little guy!

  12. He still has that sweet angel face...oh to sleep this soundly! : )

    Love to you all,
