Friday, December 26, 2008

We Had A Merry Christmas!

Wow ... this is one word that would sum up our Christmas. It was pretty awesome!

This is a picture of Griffin entering the living room and discovering Santa Claus had been here overnight. He was so happy!

He first discovered his Thomas the Train table ... with new track and two new trains!

And then he discovered the Thomas Splash Mountain Railroad set! Santa actually thought the Splash Mountain set would fit on the table ... but it didn't ... so he had to leave it in two seperate areas of the living room.

There were lots and lots of presents to open ... and he enjoyed each and everyone of them. Thank you Santa, Grandma, Pop, Nana, Mommy and Daddy for all of the gifts!

Grandma got in on the gift opening ...

As did Mommy. Can you tell my face is swollen? I went to the dermatologist on Tuesday and he froze about ten spots on my arms and two from my face. That's why my face is swollen because one of them is right under my eye. Probably not a good idea to have this done right before Christmas pictures were taken, but really the only time I could get it done.

And Daddy enjoyed opening his gifts too ...

And does anyone recall the blog post I made about Santa possibly bringing Griffin one of these child size John Deere Gators? Well, Santa didn't have to bring one! Our good friend/neighbor Grayson decided it was time he shared the JD Gator with another little boy that would enjoy it because he had outgrown it. So, Grayson gave his to Griffin! What a nice friend!

It truly was a wonderful Christmas ...

Dermatologist Update:
Okay ... so, I thought it might be a good idea to explain why I had to go to the dermatologist. Back at my annual check up in November, my gynecologist recommended I go to a dermatologist to have some spots looked at on my arms and face. I had some raised spots, some flaky spots, some dark brown spots and a spot at the bend of my arm that raised concern. I'll be honest, for over a month I have been stressing about this appointment. I was afraid he was going to tell me I had cancer. I thought of every reason in the world to cancel this appointment. I did go and all but one of the spots that I had a concern about was either sun damage or an age spot. The one at the bend of my arm is actually a hemangeoma that is not a concern. He froze the other spots and they look pretty bad, but they do not hurt. Hopefully they will heal and be gone within a couple of weeks.


  1. I'm happy ya'll had such a nice Christmas! The glee really shows on Griffin's face as he's running to the living room.
    Now...why did you need "spots" frozen on your face and arm?

  2. The wonder of Christmas is always best seen through the eyes of a child. Griffin must have been beside himself. He scored.

  3. I am glad the spots were O.K.

  4. wow, the grif really took in a bunch of fun loot. (kinda suspect that Mike does a little bit of time with the trains too. (lol). Glad your got a clean bill of health from the dermatologist, you all have a great prosperous new year.

  5. wow, the grif really took in a bunch of fun loot. (kinda suspect that Mike does a little bit of time with the trains too. (lol). Glad your got a clean bill of health from the dermatologist, you all have a great prosperous new year.

  6. I love the picture of Griffin running to his gifts. So cute! We bought our grandma's the same grandparents picture frame that Griffin's grandmother opened for Christmas. Great minds!! Glad ya'll had a wonderful Christmas and good news from the doctor.

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    ROFLMAO, yeah I've got those "age spots" but dermatologists like to call them something fancier.
    I went and had some things froze on the 23rd myself.

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Oh Santa used that same wrap for Mitchell's presents this year :)

  9. I love the picture of Griffin running into the room on Christmas expressive of his excitement!

    I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas Missy. I'm catching up on your blog in backwards order today...typical of me.

    I'm glad you got your "spots" looked at and taken care of. Your face really looks just fine in the pictures. I'm glad all was okay with them.
