Monday, December 01, 2008

Pop & Nana's House.

We enjoyed a nice visit with Ray & Jeri (Pop & Nana) at their house last Wednesday night.

Ray cooked dinner for us ... it consisted of grilled pork chops, pole beans and sweet potatos. It was yummy. Griffin enjoyed it so much, he ate TWO sweet potatoes!

Here's Griffin with his Pop & Nana. He loves them so much! When it was time to go home, he was very upset. He kept saying "C'mon guys let's all get in the van". It was so sweet and so sad at the same time. He misses them when they aren't around.

This year, Griffin discovered the massage chair at Pop & Nana's. They've had it a couple of years, but this is the first time he's paid it any attention. He thought it was cool that he could lay there and make the chair rub his back. He was all about using the remote and moving the massager up and down his back.

And news from today ...

It's 5:00 am and Mike is outside chopping some firewood smaller and filling up the indoor wood box for me. It's cold outside. Very cold.

I'm going to take Griffin to the doctor today. He's had a cough for a couple of weeks now. I've been giving him Children's Dimetapp, however I'm thinking it may be something a little more than allergies. Plus, while we were driving home, he said his ears hurt. Hopefully we'll be able to get in and out of the doctor fairly quickly today.

It's so good to be home. I so enjoy going on vacation, but it's always nice to get back home.

Griffin Update: I took him to the doctor and he indeed has an upper respitory infection and ear infection. Dr. Kirchmier prescribed amoxicillin and he should be all infection free within 10 days.


  1. There's no place like home...that's for sure!

    You're such a good Mom...Griffin is so loving and such a his Mom!

    Have a good day...stay warm.

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    That is sweet how kids show their love. I know we are sad when we leave,but home s always good.
    The fire sounds great I sure miss my wood fireplace. In my new house it is gas! uggg

  3. That picture of Griffin with Nana & Pop is can tell he is loved and loves them back just from the expressions on their faces.
    Hope the cough is nothing to worry about..let us know.

  4. hmm, has he had his tonsils taken out yet? could be a minor sinus infection, in anycase I am sure its nothing serious---but your correct in having a doc check him over. Loved the pics.

  5. It was a good thing you took him in. Mom's should always follow their instincts.

  6. Hey Missy! You have an award waiting for you over at my blog!

  7. Glad ya'll had a good visit. Hope Griffin is better soon.
