Monday, December 29, 2008


We had a wonderful Christmas week. I'm so grateful for everything we were able to experience, the gifts we received and the family and friends we were able to spend time with.

My mother-in-law Bett will be leaving us today. We'll miss her when she returns home. We've had a great visit! I still can't believe she finished painting our living room walls for us. And, we also hung the curtains back up. It feels like a "real" living room again.

The name of my post today is "Perfection" ... well, that's the name of this game Griffin is playing. When we were in Florida in November, a family friend at Bett's Thanksgiving party had this game and he loved it.

Santa Claus remembered how much he enjoyed it, so he decided Griffin would like to have one for Christmas. Boy, was he right! We've been playing this game over and over since Christmas morning. It's great fun for little ones and fun for adults too!

I'm working on a new look for my blog. I'm not so sure about the pink. I'm not a really a "pink" person ... don't get me wrong I like pink, but I'm not a girly-girl ... so I'm thinking the pink might be a bit much. Would you care to share your opinion about the pink?


  1. I love the pink and how great the header looks. I really like it!

    And perfection, it is one the best games ever!

  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Glad you had a great Christmas.

  3. I really like the pink, and I'm not a really 'pink' kinda girl either but it looks good on your page!

  4. I liked the one you had on before this one better.

  5. Well I for one loved the pink and thought it looked great but when I stopped by this evening it was blue! I like the pink best...but that's just my taste...the blue looks great too.

    I've never played that game. Griffin sure looks happy playing it!

  6. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Missy - I loved catching up on all your activities through your blog. I had been off line for quite some time and I loved hearing about your family traditions; all the way back to the eggs to the yummy breakfast on Christmas morning.
    You have an knack for catching Griffin's glimmer in his dark brown eyes. The pictures are great.
    You asked about the color; and my opinion is the pink and brown doesn't say Missy. You are more of a teal girl. ;) Thanks for blogging and helping me stay in touch, even if only one way. I hope to see you guys in person soon! -Kristen F

  7. I love Pink!! i love your Headers as well.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Hi Missy, I like the blue much better! Have a very Happy New Year!
