Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gingerbread Christmas Train.

I mentioned in an earlier post that our friends Heidi, Ryan and Evan visited us for a few days ...

Well, we had to have some fun things to do so one of the projects on our agenda was building this Gingerbread Christmas Train.

This is the box it came in ... isn't it cute?

And here we find Griffin and Ryan proudly displaying their gingerbread train.

This picture was truly no easy feat ... neither of the boys really wanted to have their picture taken. I told them if they would just look at the camera once, smile and let me see their teeth I wouldn't take another picture that night. I got this silly shot of them with those directions ... lol.

How about a closer look at their amazing gingerbread train.

And a high five for working together to create such a wonderful and yummy project!

I have to say ... I thought it would be pretty easy to put the gingerbread train together. It was NOT easy at all. If you plan to do one of these trains or a gingerbread house ... may I suggest you go ahead and put the base together and then allow the kids to decorate it after it dries? If you do not allow the icing on the base pieces to firm up before decorating they will just collapse on you. I did not do that and each time the boys went to put a piece of candy on it to decorate, the base pieces would collapse. If you build it beforehand, they will have time to dry and get hard. Just a "mommy" tip I can share.

Also ... I just want to say ... I haven't had a whole bunch of extra time this past week (or probably this week) to visit blogs and leave comments. I am trying to visit, but I do not always have a chance to leave a comment. Please know, I will be back in better comment leaving form soon. I know how much I love getting comments, they mean alot to me ... so I will be better at leaving them again very soon!


  1. You should have listened to me, remember I put one of those and a house together while recovering no fun, not fun at all. The base does help some.

    In the end it's really cute and the kids love decorating it.
    i like the reaction button for tat very reason if you don't have time for comments

  2. The boys did a great job on the train, even if it did fall apart alot. Wade is my gingerbread house maker. I don't think I'd have the patience for it. The boys are cute in their "showing our teeth" picture.

  3. It looks good even if it wasn't easy to do.

  4. It looks good even if it wasn't easy to do.

  5. Awwwww....what a great idea for the boys to do.....Thanks for the tip....I have thought about getting one for Corey & I to do......maybe we should stick to something easier!

  6. Anonymous9:21 AM

    What fun for the boys. They always make those things look so fun and easy on the box =)

  7. Although it was a headache, it looks like you had two satisfied little boys! It really turned out cute!

  8. whoa, you sure your not of the Stepford clan?----no human has the patience to put something like that together, and deal with two rambuncious rug rats at the same time?? (lol)

  9. Great advice! I have learned over the years to make the gingerbread house part ahead of time and let Cole decorate it because the first few years the gingerbread house was leaning badly::))
    The train looks awesome and I am sure the little guys had fun.They look so cute with their cheesy smiles::))

  10. I love the smiles! lol
    Years ago when Laura's girls were little, I decided it would be a fun and memorable experience for us to make a Gingerbread house together....what a wrong idea!
    There was crying, screaming, fighting...did I mention crying? lol You can't have ONE house for three little girls that want it done THEIR WAY. Now they get together with their freinds each year and make small ones out of graham crackers...one each. Becky is having friends over on Friday for this..I'll try and get some pictures to post.

  11. The train looks wonderful Missy! And I think the boys took the picture taking directions quite well...the photo of them smiling and "showing their teeth" made me laugh!

    I bought one of those little kits once and the house was basically built...you just added the icing and decorations so at least it didn't collapse under pressure.

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    yeah I bought the house last year and the icing is a PIA to begin with and then my roof collapsed!
    I usually get graham crackers and white icing and make my houses, let them sit overnight and then let the kids decorate. But I like this train!! Too cute! Was it by Wilton?
