Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Remember ... today is the day to VOTE!

Let your voice be heard ... get to the polls today!


  1. I voted early through the mail this year. I'm glad too. The lines at the polls are already really long.

  2. Yep--am going to try to swing by on my way to Meals on Wheels---hopping I am not outside with Noa for too long.....

  3. I voted on Thursday..waited for 2 hours (with the girls) but it was well worth the wait to get my 2 cents worth in *wink*

  4. I will be voting in about 10-15 minutes, my polling place is a block away, the sun is shining, and I got all day if needed, well actually I got maybe an hour, then have to get back and check on the LP.

  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    The kids and I had to wait SIX HOURS to vote here in VA (only 2 in 2004). Crazy!! 1 of my kids has aspergers's (form of autism)so this was a big ordeal for us. Glad it is over!! Kim

  6. Got my vote in...hope it counts!
    The lines were so long this AM at 7 when the poles opened. I waited and went this afternoon around 2pm and no lines...took all of 5 minutes!

  7. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Nope, couldn't be bothered. Neither interested me enough to give them a vote.

  8. I live in a small city...... I would say 15 minutes max it took from home and back. Small town living is GREAT!!!!!

