Saturday, November 15, 2008

His Christmas Wish List ...

Last night after dinner I was cleaning up the kitchen, not really paying attention to what the boys were doing ...

I looked over at them and got one of the biggest giggles of my life. Mike was looking at his Craftsman Tool catalog and Griffin was looking at his Walmart Toy catalog. It was adorable.

This is going to be a great Christmas ... this will be the first year Griffin "gets" it.

He's decided what he wants Santa Claus to bring him ... care to guess what it is?

Well ... looky there ... it's a John Deere Gator. Santa will need a pretty big sled to haul that to our house. I'm thinking Santa is going to deliver that straight to Griffin's door.

Not only that ... on his wish list this year is:

Cars ~ he LOVES cars, he has 100s of them (literally!), but he always asks for more cars.

Helicopters ~ I blogged about the remote control helicopter Mike bought him a few months ago. Well, that thing is long gone, torn to shreds. He wants another one of those, but I told him he has to be older to appreciate it.

Thomas the Train Set ~ he's really gotten into trains lately. He has four of the different trains, and believe it or not just the other day I finally bought him some train track ... lol ... I don't know what took me so long! Anyway, they have all of these Thomas the Train Trackmaster accessories that he has his eyes on.

Trampoline ~ this is a Mommy wish for Griffin. I'm not sure if Santa will deliver one of these or not because he may still be a bit young for it. For those of you that know Griffin in real life ... you know how much energy he has. He loves to jump and bounce and I think he would enjoy a trampoline very much. Of course, we would get one with the sides on it. I don't know ... I'm still thinking about that one.

Of course, we have to remember the most important reason for the season, Jesus Christ. We will display our nativity in our home and continue to teach our son the true meaning of Christmas.


  1. He is so cute! I vote for the John Deere tractor that you can ride on. What kid wouldn't want that.


  3. I'm sure he'll get his John Deere. About the trampoline, I think he may be too young yet. But at Toy R Us they have bouncy houses for his age group and they are not very expensive. Maybe you should think along those lines. Just a thought. I love that you got a picture of both of your "boys" wishing for Christmas.

  4. We have had the Wal-Mart wishbook and the Toys-R-Us big book here to and Cole has stuff circled so I can realte. Cole got the John Deere tractor when he was about Griffin's age and he got so much fun out of that thing until he was just to tall to ride it::))

  5. The Christmas fun begins!!! There's nothing quite like a Wish List!!!

  6. You know what they say about the difference between men and boys...the price of their toys. :)

  7. John Deere tractor all the way. I always loved it when Katlyn would sit down with a wish book. Now she just says give me money.
