Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mrs. Harris' Pumpkin Patch.

Griffin's pre-school class went on a field trip to Mrs. Harris' Pumpkin Patch yesterday.

The kids first went through a maze created from grain, then they took a hayride out to the pumpkin patch to pick their favorite pumpkin, and finally everyone had a really fun snack ...

Finding his way through the grain maze ...

Taking a little rest while waiting for the hayride to the pumpkin patch

Mrs. Harris had many fun, colorful pumpkins available for purchase ... guess which one came home with us???

She also had these cute little pumpkins available for purchase ... the kids loved crawling all over her stand

Griffin and me on the hayride ... Pumpkin Patch bound!

I do believe THIS little guy was the cutest pumpkin in the patch!

Mrs. Harris made these darling pumpkin shaped cookies for the kids to enjoy ... along with apple cider

That yummy pumpkin cookie didn't last long ... Griffin devoured two of them!

We had a great time ... and we were so happy that Nana could go with us.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Too cute! Love the patch pics :)

  2. You guy's are always doing such cool things. I love the pics. I have to scream and yell now just to get a pic of Katlyn.

  3. I love it when halloween draws near adn there are loads of lovely orange pictures everywhere!
    That cookie looks heavenly.

  4. Those are some cute pictures!

  5. Looks like fun!
    I love the pictures I know you want to scrapbook those:))
    Little G is so cute!

  6. I love the pictures...what a treat to see.
    Such a fun day for you and G!

    Great scrapping images Missy!!

    I ho[pe you got my comment about where I live in Ohio. I had so wished I lived closer to where you were so we could have met. If you have a chance to return, I hope I will be able to arrange to come up that way!

  7. Love the white pumpkin! Griffin is so darn cute!

  8. I left you a commment this morning but for some reason it's not here. What great pics and you finally got a white pumpking...good for you. I do agree with you, though, Griffin is the cutest pumpkin in the patch. I just realized that my scarecrow has a white pumpking for a head. Glad you guys had so much fun.

  9. What fun! I agree...Griffin's got to be the cutest little pumpkin in the patch!

    I want one of those cookies...please!
