Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ladies (And Boys) That Lunch.

Griffin and I met our friends Cindy and Matthew at Red Robin yesterday for lunch ...

Although Griffin was not on his best behavior, it was nice to get together.

We will have to do it again ... and soon!


  1. oooooh no, the "Griff" was out of line?? (good, was getting worried that he might be a stepford child) (lol)

  2. Kids ever do what you want them to. I am sure Griffin was not that bad. He is so cute!!

  3. He's all boy. A year from now I'll be the one chasing Matthew all over the place. I enjoyed it and we'll do it again soon!

  4. "G" does have to let loose once in awhile, after all he is a boy. Looks like you guys had a great time anyways.

  5. I agree with Bonnie a Boy has got to be a Boy every now and then:))I have one and I know these things..Been there done that:))
    Looks like fun:))
