Friday, September 19, 2008

There's A Reason ...

Seriously ... how does a boy get a burn on the under side of his chin?

Well ... at Kangaroo Jac's there is a reason they have the children come down the slides on their bottoms and not on their tummies.

This would be the reason ...

When they come down on their tummies they can burn themselves (is that a word?) on the rubber. That's exactly what Griffin did. And it hurt.

He's learned a valuable lesson ... slide down on your bottom, not on your tummy.

I've not been blogging very much for the past few days. Actually I haven't even been on the computer very much either. Sometimes I think a break is important. But, today I'm back ... feeling better ... PMS is almost over (LOL!). The chocolate ice cream must have helped.

Happy Weekend!!


  1. Isn't it funny how chocolate ice cream makes everything better!

    Glad you are back my friend, stay on your hinney while sliding valuable lesson learned!

    Happy Friday!

  2. Are school pictures coming up or something?
    My kids always seem to get a scrape or some mark on their face right before some planned pictures (Christmas photos, birthdays, etcetera).
    I just heard on Today show that some chocolate makers (like Hersheys) are substituting vegetable oil for cocoa butter in some of their candy to save money. Check your ingredients now on cholate or it may not work!

  3. Thank God it wasn't worst. It is hard to control them all the time.

  4. Chocoloate ice cream NEVER hurts. Glad you back---missed ya.

  5. What an owie! It doesn't seem to bother Griffin since he's laughing in the picture. But he's a boy, so I'm sure he'll do it again. Chocolate ice cream, yummy. Have some for me.

  6. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Themselves is a word :)

    Chocolate does a body good!

  7. Chocolate fixes EVERYTHING! LOL Glad you're feein more up to bloggin again...I miss my daily dose of the Glave family. the way...make sure Griffin always wears socks when he's on the inflatables...the same type of burn can happen to his feet too! We require the kids (and adults) to wear socks on our inflatables. It's just safer. I've seen a child break his leg on a slide because he didn't have socks on and his foot caught on the vinyal...

  8. Chocolate...Yum...I see the little Bo-Bo on Griffin's chin it looks painful but he is smiling big so I know he is good to go remember when I posted the pic of Cole when he stuck his chin to the cake pan when I had just taken it out of the oven??? His chin looked similiar:))

  9. AW G! Your chin matches my cheek! But mine was a curling iron mishap! OUCH! I know Mommy kissed it and it was all cream helped too I know!

    Hugs little man!

