Thursday, September 04, 2008

A Little Crash.

Yesterday as I was backing out of my drive-way I had a little crash ...

Mike moved the trailer back into the drive-way on Sunday because it was killing the grass where it was parked. I completely forgot it was there ...

And CRASH ... I ran into it. The whole wheel well cover came off and I scratched it up a bit. My very nice neighbor Brent came down to help me by reconnecting it and he added some tape to it, just in case. I went by the body shop and I will be taking it in next week to get it repaired. The man said it could be fixed in one day. I can't believe I did that!!

A few of my readers have asked about how "I" did on Griffin's first day of school, so I thought I would share ...

I cried.
Not alot.
Just a little.

After I dropped him off, I just welled up and couldn't believe my baby was going to school. I didn't want to go home because I knew I would just stew around the house. So I decided to go to a local coffee shop for a decadent coffee, relax a bit and head back to pick him up by 10:30. When I went into the coffee shop my friend Kristen happened to be there with her little boy Matthew. It was very nice to be able to visit with her on this first day. It was a great surprise to meet up with her there and having her to talk to really eased my mind and nerves.

Today is a different story.

I decided to come home and clean house.

This is what I've accomplished so far:

1. Went by the Post Office
2. Filled up a 5-gallon gas tank (In case Hurricane Hannah reaches us)
3. Made Tea
4. Washed the dishe
5. Cleaned my car windows
6. Made the beds
7. Dusted the ceiling fans downstairs
8. Picked up and organized "Hurricane Griffin's" mess of toys
9. Vacuumed
10. Oh ... and blogged

I have to leave in just a few minutes to pick him up. The first week he only goes until 10:30. Next week he'll be on his full 3 hour schedule. I'm amazed at what I've accomplished in an hour and a half. Can you imagine a full 3 hours two times next week? Woo Hoo!!


  1.'ll have a little "Missy time" now!!! I think school will be good for both of you. Now don't do too much housework...have a little fun!

  2. I can't say anything about the accident you had---crap happens like that, one does not really have an excuse-----like the time I was backing into the driveway and didn't see the LP pulling out of the garage, and backed into the side of his car------(sigh)

  3. I am so glad your friend was at the coffee shop, i am sure it helped alot. Seems like you got alot done today, Good for you.

    Sorry about your car though. Ekk! I love the duct tape solution

  4. I am so glad you met up with your friend at the coffee shop God was looking out for you Girly:))
    About the car incident you know Gary is so right Life Happens and I am glad you were safe:))
    I know when I take Cole to school amd I get back around 8am I kick it in the house most days and you really surprise yourself at how much you can get done:))
    Keep up the great work!!!

  5. At least he didn't put duck tape on it! Stuff get it fixed and go on with life. Ya know, don't sweat the small stuff.
    Glad you had a friend to talk to on that first day. After a couple of weeks you'll wonder why you were so worried! Enjoy your "me" time Missy!

  6. You will settle into a better schedule next week.

  7. Anonymous9:38 AM

    we quickly get over the fact our babies are gone for a few hours and realize how much we can get done without a tag-along :)

    what did Mike say about your little fender bender?? LOL, you know that saying "shit happens" looks like you experienced it that day
