Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm Going For It!

Hey There ... so I've decided to switch to the newer version of Blogger. I've been using the "old" version and I haven't changed because I've been a little scared to.

So today ... I'm doing it!

I have a feeling I will loose all of my links, my pictures, my favorites, etc ... but please just bear with me as I add them back on.

I want to be able to use all of the fancy new gadgets that the new version of blogger allows ...

So with a deep breath .... here goes .......

Well, that was MUCH easier than I though it would be. Of course all of my updated links and such are not there ... so I will be updating those as soon a possible. And some of my pictures have disappeared too. But ... hey ... the nifty new things I can do with my blog is totally worth it!! How do you like the background? Isn't it awesome? Click on the link to "The Cutest Blog On The Block" for some fun backgrounds for your blog too!! Woo Hoo ... this is gonna be fun!!!


  1. Congratulations on the big shift to the new blogger plateform, its the only plateform I have used, and I have to say I like it. Your new background IS awesome, with the 3-d effect it gives.

  2. I am not even sure what version I have. LOL

    I love your background especially the squash with the ribbon.

    Great Job1

  3. I love your new blogger. I'm still getting used to the old one. Not sure I could handle one with more gizmos. I do love your new background. Have fun with it.

  4. Love the new look of your blog Missy. The colors are great! I don't know if I have a new or old version but I'm usually reluctant to change...must be my age!

  5. Love, Love, Love it! Although I guess my screen is too small as the squash on the left side shows only about a 1/4th of it and there is something on the right with an "H"..but that's all I see.
    I do love the colors though...looks great. You're giving me a little inspiration here..might try it out!

  6. I love the new look!!! How do you find out what version you have??

  7. I love the new look it's so bright and cheerful :))
    Glad to see you are back I have also been so busy lately!
    Have a great Sunday:))

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    was it free and easy to change your background?
