Sunday, September 21, 2008

Field Day Of The Past 2008.

Field Day of the Past is an annual event held each year here in our area.

It has the feel of a country county fair with many things for families to enjoy such as carnival rides, arts & crafts, animal exhibits, antiques, good food, tractor pulls, antique cars & tractors, Short Pump Village, music, blacksmith shop, steam operated sawmill, farm tools exhibit, petting zoo, educational displays, homestead exhibit, Field Day of the Past Post Office, 4H Livestock Show and so much more!

If you happen to be in Central Virginia, it's this weekend September 19 - 21. And it is really alot of fun! For more information you can visit their website at
Field Day of the Past.

After our fun playdate at Colleen & Eddie's house, we decide to make our annual visit.

This year it was all about the carnival rides for Griffin!

Ever since we watched the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" episode where they visit Sesame Place Griffin has wanted to ride a roller coaster. I'm pretty sure he rode this same one last year, but he just doesn't remember.

He had so much fun riding the roller coaster, he chose to ride it three different times!

He loves riding the carousel ... riding it twice.

He truly enjoyed riding this ... though there is no smile on his face in this picture.

We rode the ferris wheel twice ... this is a picture I took from the top.

He loved this game ... he's "fishing" for a prize ... he won a cute little turtle.

And here he's riding in the helicopter ride ... he chose to ride in the pink Barbie one ... and he loved that it had TWO steering wheels!

This is my favorite picture of the day ... doesn't he look cute on the motorcycle?

He is growing up sooooo fast ... and I'm enjoying watching him grow & learn every minute of every day.


  1. This looks like the most fun ever! I love these pictures Missy and naturally they will make an awesome scrapbook page. Looks like you might have a little "biker" guy on your hands! He looks so cute on the motorcycle!!!

  2. It looks like a fun day!! I love events like that. Griffin is so cute!!

  3. He looks like he was having a ball! Those pictures sure bring back memeories...I have pictures almost the same of my kids on different rides. The helicopter one reminds me of one and also the merry go round...I have one of Laura that looks almost the same and it's 35 years old! Glad ya'll had a good time.

  4. Sounds like a fun time was had by all---pretty nice of The Griff to let ya have a ride on the Ferris wheel---that guy better be careful I think he's spoiling ya.

  5. It brings back alot of memories of my boys when they were that age. Of course I don't have any pics of them. We were too busy having fun, and digital camera's weren't around LOL.

  6. Looks like a fun day and fun place to be:))That's why I love Fall because we have several fall festival's here that I like to take Cole to and I enjoy taking lots pf photo's to scrapbook:))

  7. You know I should have mentioned that it brings back memories of my childhood. My dad was a "carny" and we travelled around New England with him every summer and fall to various carnivals and fairs ( only the ones close to home). All of us kids got to ride the rides for free. I was just getting to the age(14) where I was helping with concessions (learning how to make snow cones and cotton candy), when the man who owned the carnvial (Gus Traynor) passed away. I do have alot of great memories from those days.
