Friday, August 08, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane.

I took a some time to go through my 2006 blog archives and I saw quite a few pictures that I consider "favorite" pictures. I wanted to share some of them with you today.

This picture was taken in August 2006 ... I thought it was fitting to post this one first because it's the last family walk with our dear, sweet dalmatian Wyatt. Shortly after this picture was taken he crossed the rainbow bridge. Wyatt was our first baby ... fur baby that is. We adopted him 2 months after we got married in 1995. I still miss our sweet Wyatt to this day.

Griffin's first time playing in the rain June 2006. Doesn't he look happy??

This is one of my favorite all time pictures of Griffin. I call this one "Angel Face". In this particular picture you can see he still has his hemangioma. A hemangioma is a strawberry birthmark. In Griffin's case it was about the size of a small grape, puffy and very red. It was located in his left ear. The doctor said it would go away ... and it did. I used to worry about it ... I feared it would not go away. Now, it's just a distant memory.

Our first and only trip to Virginia Beach July 2006. Griffin loved the waves and the surf. We'll definately have to get back to the beach one day soon.

And another one ... this one of Griffin and me. I used this one for my blogger profile back in 2006. I just love this picture.

Quite frankly ... I "love" every picture I post. I guess they could all be considered favorites.

If you are interested in finding out more about our family ... why not search the archives? I had fun reminiscing for awhile.


  1. These are all great photos. Mark had a Hemangioma on his arm about the size of a quarter when he was born, scared me to death too.

    Now you can hardly see it at all!

    Thanks for sharing your favorites!

  2. Loved all those pics. You never take a bad one. My fav is of you and Griffin. We just never see enough pics of you. I too miss Wyatt(or Dwight as Jerome used to call him), he was such a good dog.

  3. I can certainly see why you love those photos! That boy is darling!
    I guess I am getting old...My babies are all so big now. I would dearly love another little one...since that aint happening I will just have to oogle other peoples baby pics. Pitiful,hu? LOL

  4. I did the same thing last night Missy...I went through all my old posts! Things have sure changed for me in the last 3 years.
    I love all your favorite is you and G, but also think the one with Wyatt is wonderful!

  5. What a sweet post.

    I look back at my children's photos when they were younger..and I just cry. Sometimes it is just too much to believe..that they are growing up so fast. You would think that would be enough to make me get this weight we can get pregnant.

  6. I love the old picture as well. I go through mine all the time.

  7. Its great to have a photographi history of ones life from diapers to dispora---BUT, careful how much time you spend reviewing them----they can make ya turn into an old person, and you could find yourself spending to much mental time back in the past than you do in the here and now---and lose all desire to look to what MIGHT be in the future.

    Gary (aka old dude)

  8. I loved seeing all those pictures again Missy. I think they're all so special. I occasionally take a look back at the archives to see all the fun amazing things we've done in our lives.

  9. I have to say my favorite pic is the one with Griffin and Mike looking at the rain. Thanks for passing that cute Mickey outfit on to us, too!
