Saturday, August 02, 2008

Tagged By Andi.

I was tagged by my dear friend Andi to do this fun little game.

She challenged me to make a list of my favorites.
There can be only ONE answer to each question.

So here's my list of favorite things ....

Sport: Nascar
Game: Pictionary
Color: Turquoise
Movie: Steel Magnolias
Broadway play I have seen: Guys & Dolls (Theatre Winter Haven)
Broadway Musical I have seen: Oklahoma! (traveling version)
Song: If Tomorrow Never Comes/Garth Brooks
American city I have visited: Washington, DC
Foreign city I have visited: St. Croix/Virgin Islands
Book: The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Children's Book: The Little Farm Book
Classic television show: Andy Griffith
Recent television show: The Next Foodnetwork Star
Actor: Denzel Washington
Actress: Julia Roberts
Perfume: Happy!
Food: Steak
Dessert: Anything Chocolate
Chain Restaurant: Carrabbas
Local Restaurant: White Hawk Music Cafe
Car: Jeep
Condiment: BBQ Sauce
Kitchen Appliance: Coffee Maker
Home Appliance: Dish Washer
Beauty Product: Soap
Piece of clothing: Black Shorts
HGTV Show: The Next Design Star
Food Network show: Paula Deen
Author: Nora Roberts
Male Songwriter: Garth Brooks
Female Songwriter: Sheryl Crowe
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Ballet I have seen: None
Disney character: Mickey Mouse
Flower: Sunflower
Alcoholic drink: Ameretto Sour
Non-Alcoholic drink: Iced Tea
Magazine: Cooking With Paula Deen
Animated movie: Lion King
Television network miniseries: North & South
Season: Fall
Male vocalist: Garth Brooks
Female vocalist: Martina McBride
Day of the week: Monday
Household Chore: Cooking
Ice Cream: Chocolate Mocha Silk (Breyers)
Candy: Maple Nut Goodies
Artist: Griffin
Quotation: “Because Nice Matters"

Now, how about YOU playing too?

I'm supposed to tag 5 people ...
For my 5 I challenge: Bonnie, Heidi, Sue, Cecile & Colleen

But hey! Anyone who wants to play is welcome to do so!
List, list, list all your favorites. Inquiring minds want to know!


  1. thats a long list----veeeery interesting answers-----exlains a lot. I will probabely do the list, but not right away---maybe in acouple days or so.

    Gary (aka Old dude)

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The Five People You Meet In Heaven

    I still need to read this book, it was recommended to me when Em was in kindergarten and now she's going into 4th grade! LOL

  3. I love your list Missy! We have lots of favorites in common...but then that doesn't surprise me a bit.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I love the list!
    I have been working on mine for about 2 weeks...ha!


    P.S. My aunt and uncle that just visited..use a coffee mill..they convinced me to buy I did just today..I remember you talking about using a coffee mill..they got me hooked on Dunkin' Donuts coffee..yummm!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Love the list:))
    I will have to get my list together!!
    Thanks for sharing:))

  6. Great list Missy! I tried doing mine yesterday morning when I first read your post but it was too difficult for me to commit to one answer on many of them.
    We definitely have the coffee maker in common though!
    Someone sent me a tag list not too long ago that was a little different. I think I was able to answer that one easier for me. If I find it, I may post that one.

  7. Thank you for doing this Missy! I loved starting this game...and you can take the icon and use it if you want to.
    We have a lot of faves in common!

