Monday, August 04, 2008

Our Tropical Fish Tank.

Back in February we bought Griffin a 55 gallon tropical fish tank for his 3rd birthday.

I've learned more about fish in the past 6 months than I ever thought I would know. From kinds of fish, types of plants, diseases (dropsy, fin rot, ick)... etc. There's alot to learn.

We started out with 10 fish ... 3 orange mollies, 2 black mollies, 1 dalmatian molly, 1 red tailed shark, and 3 gorahmis. Over time we've lost fish and bought more. Apparently sometimes there is a short life expectancy for fish.

My favorite fish I named Finn. He died the other night. I felt so bad. He lived through dropsy, ick and fin rot. I thought he might make it for the long haul. He was just beautiful. He was a black molly with the most beautiful blue fins.

Now we only have one fish left from the original 10 that we bought. It's a small orange molly. And we still have 2 white mollies that we got a couple of months ago.

Our tropical fish tank is currently flourishing with new life though. We have over 30 baby fish, born right here in our tank. You probably can't see them in the picture (if you click on the picture to enlarge it you might see some of them). They are all dalmatian and black mollies.

I'm hoping since they were born in their current environment they will live a long and happy fishy life.


  1. We had a fish tank when I was younger. We had neons and guppies. I'm not sure what ever happened to them as I really wasn't into fish. I'm sure the babies will do just fine.

  2. Nemo? lol I was able to see the little critters when I enlarged the tiny. So will you be naming all 30? Hopefully the little orange mollie will live on with all his new friends/children.

  3. Congratulations on your school of children!

    I think I saw them when I enlarged the photo:)

  4. ahh yes I recall I too went through a phase of aquarimitus, guppies, mollies, swordfish, graduated to gauramis, angels and neons----my guppies bred like rabbits, before I was done I had half the neighborhood stocked with guppies---bu the gave it up when I got to the point of putting baby guppies into the angels tank, and betting how long they would last before they got eaten------

    Gary (aka old dude)

  5. unfortunately that is the worst part of having an aquarium... they really do have a short lifespan...
    i am sorry you have to go through that part.

    but isn't there something peaceful about watching fish in an aquarium? ahhhhhh :)

  6. I can't wait to get my tank. Don't you know you never name them.

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    that's a lot of babies

  8. Have fun with all of your babies:))
