Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I can't find ...

Right before leaving for vacation we received new sticker tags for our automobiles. And also a new plate tag for our trailer.

(I thought this post needed a picture, though not related to the subject at all ... the flowers were so beautiful I decided to add them)

I put them away somewhere because I did not want to leave them on the counter while we were away.

Now ... I can't find them.

I hid them too well.

I know they are somewhere around here ... but honestly I have looked THREE times. I thought maybe if I slept on it maybe I would dream about where I put them. The only thing that did pop into my mind was the trailer tag was a new plate and not just a sticker. So, wherever I put them they should be pretty visible because the plate envelope is pretty big.

I sure hope I find them today!!


  1. Ask Griffin where he would hide them. He did a really good job with his eye drops. I'm sure it's somewhere close to where you set them down when you got home from getting them. Those are my suggestions.....I hope they help.

  2. well when I do something like that, I have found if I just close my eyes and mentally walk myself through it---starting with I had them in front of me and then I ---and then I------(letting the mind mentally picture yourself redoing these little steps, and I frequently then remember the interruption of what I intended to do, and setting the stuff down to take care of something else---leaving the keys or papers in some weird place I would never have put them in the first place.---good luck, one can call the DMV and ask for duplicates and pay the cost.

  3. That's why I don't go Christmas shopping in January. I'd never find what I bought.

  4. I hate that!! You will find them soon!!

  5. I'm sure they'll turn up. I thought I was the only one that did things like this!!!

    I'm going to read all about your wonderful Seattle trip. I've always wanted to go to Pike's Market and watch them throw the fish!

  6. Missy.. you are too young to be having "senior moments". Have you looked in the fridge? the oven? how about the cubbard? Mabye on the side of the microwave or on top of it? These are just a few of the places I "hide" things..lol
    And YES...I've been blogging. Gary intimated me into it...blame him!

  7. Hey Missy
    Your lost tags will show up soon.I do the same thing with inportant stuff I hide it from myself but not on purpose:))And when I go to look for them it usually shows up later.Good Luck:))
