Friday, July 11, 2008


I've been busy getting some orders finished ... now all I have to do is get the letters cut for the orders and pack them up to ship out.

And today ... I will be able to do that.

Our friend Hannah (Carol's daughter) will be coming over to be my "mother's helper" today. I will be here at home working on orders and cleaning house and she will be keeping an eye on Griffin. This will be the first time we've done this ... Griffin loves Hannah ... so I'm sure it will go very well!

Can you imagine the joy I will feel being able to sort clothes without worrying if Griffin is in the fish tank ... seriously ... I just know this is going to be GREAT!

Hannah will be here 9-12 and then after that Carol, Zachary, Sarah and Sam will be joining us for lunch a playtime.


  1. Sounds like you have a good plan there. I'm sure it will work out great for you. Enjoy yourlunch with your friends.

  2. Sounds like you have a good day planned out for ya'll. It's always nice to get those orders all done and ready to ship isn't it..makes ya feel good to get em out! lol

  3. What a great idea. I hope you accomplish everything you need to do today!

    Happy Friday!

  4. Hey Girly
    I hope that you have a productive day with your helper and a nice lunch with friends.
    I am so glad that your business is going well and I hope that it gets even better:))

  5. Them orders look pretty damn professional, and sounds like Griffen is getting to be more than Mommie can handle, or maybe I should say Mommie has found out there is Life outside of Griffin's orbit----LOL----actually this is a natural developement---Griffin is growing up---in about 20 years, he might actually move out of the house----can ya hold out that long Missy? :)

  6. What a treat for you!!

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    sounds like fun for both you and H :)
