Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mayonnaise Sandwiches & Such

The boys made a really fun & cute project yesterday.

This is a picture of them getting ready to make it. I will post pictures tomorrow of the process and final project. (Big Smile)

When I was making sandwiches for lunch yesterday Griffin grabbed a slice of bread that I had already put mayonnaise on. He sat there and ate the entire thing. That got me to remembering something we used to eat when I was a kid. Mayonnaise sandwiches. It's not because we didn't have lunch meat ... we did ... we just sometimes liked to eat mayonnaise sandwiches. Has anyone else ever had a mayonnaise sandwich.

That got me to thinking about other things we ate that might be considered different.

How about eating just plain sour cream with regular potato chips. I'm not talking dip here ... just plain old sour cream. I actually still do this sometimes and I love it!

And how about crackers & milk? That was a staple in our house. All you do is take saltines and break them up in a cup and add milk. To me it's so much better before the crackers get too smushy ... but still good all the same.

Are these southern things? If you didn't eat these sorts of things what kind of different things do you remember eating as a child?


  1. Cornbread in milk.
    Chocolate gravy over biscuits.


  2. I remember fried bologne sandwich's. How about baked Spam with mustard on it. We used to also eat tomatoe sandwich's. I guess sandwich's were it for me.

  3. Hmmm. I'm not much into Mayonnaise... Never been one of my favs.... But I know of many people who eat Mayonnaise Sandwiches... My X's Family was real big on it... And so is Rusty.... One of my all time favorites "maybe strange" foods is Macaroni & Tomato Juice.... Yummo.... T

  4. I always enjoyed baked bean sandwhiches, but then too, also liked sandwhiches consisting of thick layer of butter and coated with sugar---and my Mom (my step-mother actually), made a great ground up balongna/sweet relish, mayonaise mixture that was really great.---fav breakfast was hot buttered toast in a bowl of hot milk.


  5. Hey Girl,
    Cole will only eat mayo sandwiches no edges on the bread no meat for him when he takes them to school in his lunchbox I add ham & cheese in a ziploc bag so that the school know that we can afford meat but he never eats it I use Icepacks in his lunch so when he gets home w/the ham & cheese I give it to Daisy(Try to conserve).
    I remember eating fried egg sandwiches and fried bologna sandwhiches:)
    Jeff loves graham crackers in a bowl w/milk poured over them at night only.Go figure I guess it's his comfort food.
    Have a GREAT sunday with your guys.

  6. potato chip sandwiches, ketchup sandwiches, syrup and butter and sop them with biscuits, i remember you can eat anything with light bread as we called it.....I did not know what a hamburger bun was until I was 16......every thing was eat with bread. My Mother use to eat pineapple sandwiches, 2 pieces of bread, may and a slice of pineapple,,,

  7. I love mayonaisse but I must say I never did that one. Not sure if that's southern or not.

    I remember eating buttered noodles with ketchup on them. yummm!
    (and I still do but hubby thinks its gross)

    I think I learned the "ketchup" thing went on everything as a kid and I'm stuck on it: chicken pot pie, eggs, buttered noodles and even mac n' cheese.

  8. We did the fried bologna sandwiches as a kid, don't care for them now. Also cucumber sandwiches were a summer staple. On a cold winter night it was fried bread dough with tomato soup. Yummy. No one made that better than my mom.

  9. I love tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches!!! I read Teresa's comment and I too had a friend that loved maccroni, without the cheese...and tomatoes.

    My hubby loves fried balogna sandwiches and in Alabama they have a restaurant that serves them.

  10. I remember mayo sandwhiches...but I also remember eating mayonaise on a spoon! I would get a big serving spoon, dip it in the mayo jar and lick it like a sucker. It had to be Best Foods. (Hellman's in the south)
    We also put mayo on our jello, is that a "northern" thing?
    I use to make peanutbutter and jelly sandwhiches with graham that was good!

  11. Me and my siblings use to eat peanut butter with marshmellow cream sandwiches..Fried bologna was another my grandma would fix us.I would put potatoe chips on my PB&J sandwiches...

  12. We use to eat Mayonnaise and banana sandwiches

    And I remember one of my faves was butter and sugar or cinnamon!

    My favorite was moms home made woopie pies!!

  13. How about snow ice cream - snow , sugar and vanilla mixed in a bowl. Good times.

  14. Anonymous8:38 AM

    hmmm, might be, we don't do that here in NJ, LOL
