Thursday, July 31, 2008

At The Park.

Last Friday we had fun hanging out with our friends at the park.

We packed a lunch, set up at one of the picnic tables, and the kids ran, played, jumped, climbed and played with water guns.

Sam and Griffin on top of the "hidden" rock

Griffin trying to decide who he wants to "get" next with the water ...

Sara, Griffin and Sam taking a moment to rest on yet another "hidden" rock

Several of my readers have asked how Mike is doing with his cold. He's actually been out of town all week on a business trip ... and he's still sick. I think he's feeling a little better, but I know how hard it is for him to be away from home and not feeling well. He'll be home tonight so we can give him extra special care, hugs and kisses.

Yesterday Griffin and I ran to Walmart to pick up a few things. As we were driving there he kept saying he wanted to go to the "oppadoss". I really couldn't understand what he was saying and I kept asking where he wanted to go. "Mommy da oppadoss" ... okay ... so I finally figured it out. When Mike is out of town I tell him he's at the office. He wanted to go to the "oppadoss" to see his Daddy. Awwwwwwwwww ...


  1. Glad you guys had such a good time before G got sick. And I'm glad he's feeling better. Hopefully Mike won't be feeling too bad when he gets home. Lots of lovin' will sure make him feel good. And kids always say the cutest things. G really has his own language.

  2. How fun climbing on rocks!!

  3. when one is running a cold (especially in the summer time) and on a business trip it IS true hell, in and out of air conditioned spaces, aches pains, yeahh tell Mike he has my vote, for toughing it out and suffering through it.

    Gary (aka old dude)

  4. I'm sure just being home with his family will make Mike feel better.

    You're going to have to print out this blog for Griffin to read someday with all the cute things he says.
