Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's here again. The migraine.
It's a once a month thing.

I woke up at 5:00 this morning and it hit me square in the face.

That pounding, nauseating, sick feeling that just overwhelms me.

I went downstairs and took 2 Excedrin Migraine tablets and went back to sleep on the couch until about 7:00. The boys were still sleeping upstairs.

When I woke up ... the headache was gone.

I still have the nausea ... it will be with me until about 3:00 or 4:00 this afternoon ... but the dreaded, pounding headache is GONE.

I do not know how I lived without Excedrin Migraine before. Actually I do ... I suffered through it. Thank God I finally found something that works for me.

Needless to say ... we are staying home today.


  1. really sorry to hear your not feel well----any chance that was caused by the pot luck leftovers? would you say the chicken recipe made good leftover potluck ?----Hope ya feel better real soon.

  2. I used to get migraines, but not like you do. I'm glad you finally found something to alleviate some of the symptoms. I hope you get to feeling better. We love you.

  3. I am sad for the headache.I get them as well.

  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    wow that some drugs to work for you like that! Hope it stays away, keep away from the sunlight

  5. Hope you feel better....

  6. SS Missy...know how you suffer with those dreaded things as I used to have them at one time. Not sure why..but they just stopped when I hit 40 or about the time I got Have had just one since then.(knocking on wood here) Get better soon!

  7. I really hope that you feel better soon:))

  8. I haven't had a migraine in a while..thankfully..I cannot function at all when one hits me.
    I am sorry you have one:(
