Saturday, June 28, 2008

Friends & Fruit

Do you remember when I shared that I had won a give-a-way from my dear friend Cecile's Blog?

The package she sent arrived yesterday!

This is the Core'dinations ColorCore Cardstock collection ... wow ... just look at this paper yumminess ... look at that rainbow of colors!!

And she also included this darling handmade card ... it is SO cute!! I love pink and black together! Ya'll have to visit her blog ...
Click Here to do so!

Thanks sooo, soooo much Cecile!

When my friend Carol and her kids were over the other day we were talking about Mr. Bubbles. I told her that I couldn't find them in the store ... I had looked everywhere!! Well, late yesterday afternoon I heard a knock at my door and there our sweet friends Carol and Sam were bearing some Mr. Bubbles for the G-Man! Oh my goodness ... what a nice thing to do! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

And ya'll just look at this ... my "little bountiful harvest". I am just amazed that we have food growing in our yard!!

Here you will see a tiny pear and plum from our fruit trees in the back yard. We have five plum trees and one pear tree. I'm not really sure if they are suitable for human consumption, but the squirrels sure do enjoy them.

The bright green thing on the right is actually a tomato from my little garden. I actually didn't intend to take it from the vine ... but I was checking on them and it just fell off in my hand. I brought it inside to see if it would ripen.

And finally ... the birds haven't found the wild blackberries yet!! They've had time to ripen and turn purple (they were red). Griffin and I had fun picking a few. We had to be very careful because they have alot of tiny little thorns. And, I had no idea how much they would stain our hands.

Mike is out this morning taking a flying lesson. I think Griffin and I are going to Walmart ... I have to buy a new pair of shoes. Yesterday a nail starting coming through the bottom of my "good" shoes ... normally I would go to JCPenny to find another pair just like them, but I need a few other things so I'm hoping to find something that will do at Walmart.

I hope you all have a TERRIFIC weekend!


  1. OOH I love plums, you have a lot of bounty growing in your yard.

    My one tomato has not grown much and is still really green. This weather is so dry. not much can grow anyway.

    I was in our Walmart last night and it was crazy, the Holiday has everyone shopping GO figure, probably trying to stay cool.. FREE..

  2. All kinds of greats gifts for you guys yesterday. The fruit looks yummy. I am sure the pears and plums can be eaten by you. They don't sour if unattended like orange trees. When I was growing up we had an apple tree, 2 pear trees, and a cherry tree in our yard. We ate it all. Plus gooseberries, blackberries and wild grapes, wild rhubarb and a HUGE garden. I really miss having all of that. Why don't you make some fried green tomatoes with your tomato (which looks very good by the way). Have a great weekend, enjoy all your goodies.

  3. I LOVE blackberries!!! I would gladly brave a few thorns to pick them and make a cobbler. Blackberry cobbler is my very favorite.

    Great prize from know I share your addiction to paper! And the card is wonderful...I like pink and black too and pink and chocolate brown and pink and orange for that matter.

    Have fun shoppping. Hope you find some shoes you love.

  4. you KILLED the lil tomato---ripped it off the vine before its time----and then---gasp----took a picture of the corpse----your a hard one Missy.

  5. I've got a giveaway going on, too! I found your blog thru another link, and I'm very impressed! I'm doing a giveaway. Please click on to enter the contest. Hope you drop by soon!

  6. Love the know NEVER have enough paper!
    Had to giggle at Gary's comment...he's such a card. could NEVER be a hard one. Did you cook it (fried green tomatoes) and eat it? Canniable LOL
    Those berries make my mouth water..sooo yummy looking.
