Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Busy Little Boy.

Looking back over the last week I realized that Griffin was one busy little boy, doing lots of fun things.

Monday we went to Kangaroo Jac's for some jumping fun.

Tuesday we went to the Mommy & Me gym to finish up his Father's Day gift for Mike and to run and play with friends.

Wednesday was the Mommy & Me picnic ... and we stayed ALL day.

Thursday it was a trip to the YMCA with friends for swimming fun.

Friday we had a playdate at our house with Ryan, Evan, Patrick, Matthew and of course their mommies Heidi and Kristen.

Saturday morning we went yard selling in the morning with Heidi, Ryan and Evan. We found some really good stuff too! Saturday afternoon we drove two and a half hours to Suffolk to join Mike at the Festival of Flight. He enjoyed seeing airplanes and helicopters. We enjoyed the Volunteer Dinner that included spaghetti, salad and "birthday cake". And then when we got back to the hotel we went swimming.

Sunday it was back to the Festival of Flight and his very first helicopter ride!

And I might add that Tuesday through Saturday we were able to spend lots and lots of time with our friends Heidi, Ryan and Evan because we were lucky to have them staying with us. There was ALOT of giggles, fun, playing and swimming in the little plastic pool too!

Whew ... I'm just tired typing all of that.

This week we will not be so busy ...

Yesterday our dear friends Keisha and Darius came over for lunch and some playtime.

Today we are going to the Mommy & Me gym.

Tomorrow we have a fun picnic and playdate planned.

The rest of the week is open ... no plans!!!

I'm actually kind of looking forward to staying home a bit ...


  1. You and Griffin stay home, no way! You guys are always doing something. I think it's great you have so much to do. Wish I was there to do it with you.

  2. Sounds like you've really been on the go! I finally got a day off myself..trying to catch up on your blog and I just read Bonnie's blog too. I feel I know just a little bit more about you from her blog. lol

  3. oooh oooh, sounds like Griffen is flirting with a major flare of "Mommie Burn-Out"---and forced to find ways of intertaining himself, by himself----(yeah mommies are like that sometimes. They can be great pals and then WHAM!!--- for no good reason, suddenly they don't wanna play anymore. (good luck Griffen)

  4. I wish I was Griffin!!

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    WHEW I'm tired!!!Ha,Ha!!! Sounds like you all had a GREAT time....Sounds nice to have so many friends and play dates.....Hugs, Tracie
