Friday, May 30, 2008

Watermelon Goodness.

One of my favorite memories from my childhood is eating watermelon during the summer.

My Daddy would pick a big, sweet watermelon ... cut it in half longways ... he'd cover one of the sides with a towel and put it in the refrigerator. The other half he and I would take outside with our spoons and salt shakers. We'd sit on the picnic table and enjoy it together. Spooning out this delicious sweetness, dashing it with a bit of salt ... yummmm!! Gosh, that brings back memories.

So ... the other day I thought Griffin and I could enjoy some watermelon goodness together. Mike was kind enough to cut it up for us. We headed outside to our quilt set up where Mike is working and I was ready for our son to love watermelon as much as I do.

Well ... it didn't work out exactly as I thought it would. He wouldn't even pick it up! I begged and pleaded (as you know this was realistically just a photo op) ... and finally he picked it up.

He would never take a bite ... but hey ... I got a couple of dang cute pictures out of it right? The critters in the woods enjoyed Griffin's piece ... and I enjoyed my piece of sweet, delicious watermelon. Sigh. Memories.


  1. Adorable pictures Missy...even if they took a litte extra effort. They'll make a cute scrapbook layout. One of my favorite layouts I ever did features watermelon eating...and spitting seeds!

    I'm way behind on blog reading...hope to catch up this weekend.

  2. Guess what?
    I eat my watermelon with salt!
    A lot of people think I'm weird for doing that..I am glad I am not the only one:)

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Jerome and I just ate a BIG watermelon last week (before camera). I used to eat salt on mine when I was younger. And I remember you and your daddy(and even the kids when they were little) eating watermelong on the picnic table. Cute pics of G. He'll come around to eating watermelon and loving every minute of it.

  4. His tastes will change as he gets older. He might like it one day.

  5. The watermelon looks yummy and you got the pics for a great layout!
    Cole loves watermelon but I have to cut it up in litle pieces and put it in a bowl.Go figure!!Mommy has to do what she has to do:))
    Take care.

  6. Mitch brought me a seedless one last week and it was soooo good with all the salt especially added!

    YUM I Love Watermelon!

    Love the pics. I see a bear with a watermelon in your future!

  7. I miss watermelon. I guess I'm just too stubborn to pay the price that they want here for watermelon. (I'm NOT paying $8 for a watermelon) We could get them in CA for about $2or$3 on the side of the road. That is the ONLY thing I miss about living in CA.. the fresh produce and a cheap

  8. Your right, you were just setting up a photo shoot, starring the rotten kid Griffen---(spoiled rotten that is to say)---but hey thanks for fix of sweetness---

  9. HEY Sue, how come you havn't blogged on your page for so long??---miss reading about your outlook on the world?

  10. Anonymous4:27 PM

    My kids don't eat watermelon and I always wanted one of them to so I could get some pictures because they make the cutest scrapbook pages.
