Monday, May 12, 2008

It Was A Great Mother's Day.

This was the BEST Mother's Day ever.

We stayed home and relaxed ... that's my kind of day.

Cute cards from both of my guys

I didn't really "want" anything for Mother's Day ... except for vegetable plants. I'm going to try my hand at vegetable gardening. I'm going to start small with one each of tomatos, green bell pepper and red bell pepper. My sweet husband chose these wonderful plants for me.

Mike cooked THE most delicious dinner for me too! We went out to Red Lobster on Friday night ... so we ate at home on Sunday. Here we have some grilled green beans.

Yummy carmelized onions with mushrooms ...

Scrumptious red baked potatos

And the BEST part of the meal was the one and a half inch THICK steak ... it was so wonderfully delicious ... it cut like butter. My husband is definately the Grill Master!!

Mike and Griffin made this day so, so wonderful!! I love you guys!!


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Yummy! I drooled all over my keyboard. You are a lucky girl. Good luck with your veggie garden. I know what a "green" thumb you have.


  2. WOW- you are so lucky. I have been wanting my hubby to cook without asking. When I do ask-then he will ask what I want and then he may cook it on the grill.

    I wish he could make up his mind and have something ready for me someday when I get home from work. He gets home at 2:30 and I get home around 5:15. He will sit and wait for me to cook most evenings.

    Maybe your hubby can start a man's cookbook to help mine :)

    Love the pics of Griffin when he was born. So CUTE!!

    Take care,

  3. WOW what a great meal. It sounds like you had a great day.

  4. WOW what a great meal. It sounds like you had a great day.

  5. Such cute the little kangaroo one from G!

    Your day sounds wonderful. The meal Mike cooked looks amazing and so yummy. I'm lucky to have a man that cooks on the grill too!

    Good luck with your vegetable gardening. We tried growing some tomatoes and didn't have much success. I do better at the produce stand.

  6. Excellent pics, I gained about three pounds just reading your blog. My compliments the the grill master. OHH by the way one good blogroll deserves another, check my page out under "Spunky Thinkers"

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am glad that your Mother's Day was great. Mine was as well. The food on your blog has put me in the drool zone!!!!
    Good luck with the veggies!
    Have a great night!
