Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Swimming at the YMCA

Yesterday was another rainy day ... so I had to think of something else for Griffin and me to do.

So ... we went to the YMCA swimming. We love it so much ... we really should go there more often.

The YMCA has these little life preservers available that the kids can borrow. We've never used one of them before, but yesterday I thought we'd try it out. He LOVED it and so did I. He has NO fear of the water and sometimes he gets out of the pool before I can get to him. I felt so much better with having this on him. I think it's something we will ask to borrow a little more often.

If Griffin gets chilled, he will ask to take a break. What he likes to do is sit in his chair with his beach towel wrapped around him and then he has to have mommy's on him too.

I think we will definately visit the Y much more often now!


  1. What a cute kid!! He is really something else.

  2. AWW these pics are adorable.
    Ya'll do so many cool things. I wanna be your kid!! LOL

  3. Great pictures at the pool! Always get the life's so worth it!

  4. Looks like your cutie is having sooo much fun!! You are a great Mom!
    Take care..Cecile

  5. Looks like somebody is ready for swim lessons. I LOVED the pool when I was little. By the time I was 4, I was jumping off the diving board in the deep end. The memories of my mom and I at the pool are some of my favorite.
