Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Road Trip To NC.

Mike has been traveling ALOT lately, so when he suggested that Griffin and I should pack our bags and head to Charlotte, NC with him ... we were raring to go! We packed our bags, got in the van and we were headed off for an adventurous road trip.

I love this picture of Griffin. Daddy was singing a song to him and he was in that "oh-you-are-singing-to-me-and-looking-at-me-so-I'm-gonna-be-embarrased-phase".

See ... this is proof that Daddy was singing. Mike has a great singing voice ... hopefully that is something Griffin will inherit from him ... as I can not carry a tune to save my life!

Yummy pancakes for breakfast!!

And it's time to blow dry our hair ...

Packing up to leave ... Griffin loves riding on these carts. And his "job" while we are away is pushing the elevator buttons each time we need to travel up and down the floors.


Okay ... so it's been awhile and I wasn't sure if I was going to "go back" and blog about certain things that have happened ... but I just have to blog about Easter!

Woo Hoo ... the Easter Bunny arrived at our house and Griffin received many fun surprises!

Griffin coloring Easter Eggs with Nana Jeri as Aunt Melissa, Uncle Kevin and cousin AJ look on.

And here comes Daddy to help with the Easter Egg coloring

Our eggs are all colored ... so ... now it's time to decorate 'em!

Pop and Griffin decorating the eggs with stickers, crayons and fun stuff!

A picture of Mike with our guests ... Griffin was napping and I was taking the picture ... too bad I couldn't have asked a neighbor to snap this photo with all of us in it. It was so nice to have family with us on this special day!!!


  1. Oh my gosh...I love that picture of Griffin blow drying his hair!!! He's gonna be a heart breaker...and the girls will be won't be long!!!

    Your road trip looks like such fun. How wonderful that Mike sings!

    Enjoyed your Easter pictures. Did "G" get his very own dirt devil???

  2. Hi Missy!
    Glad you are back and had a fun and safe trip!
    Griffin got some loot for Easter he's a loved little guy!!
    Okay, Is the Dirt Devil for him too????? If so send him over to my house I have to pay my BOY to vaccuum (j/k)!!

  3. Looks like you had a great time on your road trip!! Love the singing pictures
