Sunday, April 06, 2008

Life Is Good.

(Children's Museum of Richmond ~ Friday ~ April 4, 2008)

Some of my fellow bloggers have started adding cute/funny things their children say to their blog. Wow ... this is a great way to remember these sweet, funny and cute things that come out of their mouths. So, guess what? I'm following suit.

Yesterday we were getting ready to go to Sam's Club:

Mommy: Griffin let's get ready ... we are going to Sam's.

Griffin: Wanna see Car-wol ...

Mommy (trying to figure out where this is going): No, Buddy ... we are going to Sam's

Griffin: I wanna go to Sam's house ... wanna see Car-wol ...

LOL ... he thought we were going to his buddy Sam's house and he wanted to see Sam's Mommy Carol (he loves her!). I thought that was pretty cute.

And ... I must say ... I was presently surprised when I woke up this morning to ...
"Happy Anniversary ... I Love You" from my dear sweet husband. You see, today is our 23 year anniversary. Twenty three years ago today we went to our high school prom (you've all seen the picture MANY times!). We started dating a few weeks before prom, but decided that April 6th would be our anniversary date. Our wedding anniversary is Tuesday (April 8th) ... we'll be married 13 years.

Those five little words meant the world to me today. I didn't know if he would remember. He did. I love you sweetheart!!


  1. Sometimes they do surprise us!!

  2. Happy Anniversary Missy and Mike!

    Adorable picture of Griffin on the dino! I wanna go see Car-wol too!

    Thanks for helping me with the signature thing.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Happy Anniversary Missy and Mike!

    Missy I thought of you and Griffin today when I was online at They have the cutest 'Make Your Own John Deere Bear' for only $8.95 (as well as other J.D. stuff). I have ordered from them several times and they have cute things for a decent price. You might want to take a look.

    Kim from VA

  4. Happy Anniversary to the cutest couple I know! Ya'll are sooooooo lucky to have eachother. I'm sure there will be Many, Many more Happy Anniversaries in your future.
    Love the pic of G on the cute!

  5. I absolutely LOVE this picture. He is adorable. So sweet!


  7. Happy Anniversary to Missy and Mike!!!!
    I love the Dino pic of Griffin(that's a scrapbook moment)!!
    I think you need to take Griffin to Sam's house to see Carol!!!!!
    Take care..Cecile

  8. Happy Anniversary!
