Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Griffin's New Toy Box.

In March when Ray & Jeri (Pop & Nana) came to visit, they drove into the drive-way with some beautiful cypress wood attached to the top of their van. I had no idea what they had in mind ... but Ray planned to build Griffin a toy box while they were visiting.

This is Pop getting ready to start working on the toy box.

Let me tell you ... this was no ordinary cypress wood. Pop actually cut it from a downed cypress tree (lost in the Florida hurricanes), took it to the saw mill and had some beautiful boards cut for Griffin's toy box!

Here we find Mike and Griffin giving Pop a little help.

And a little more help from Nana and Griffin.

The toy box all completed ... it is SO beautiful!! He used these cool decorative nails on the top about 1" apart and it gives it sort of a treasure chest feel.

And of course one of the most special touches is the handwritten note to Griffin from his Pop.

(Click image for a larger view)
How about a little peek into Griffin's bedroom?

It's one of my favorite rooms in the house. Mike and I had such fun decorating his room when I was pregnant. We painted the walls an oatmeal color. The ceiling we painted this really pretty country blue. And we finished it off by adding a sweet airplane wallpaper border that matched the crib linens.

Of course over the past three years we've added many more personal touches. Let me just point out some fun things. See that cute John Deere throw? Our neighbor Cyndi made that for him for his first birthday. He loves it and sleeps with it every night. The little wooden chest that Elmo & his teddy bear sits on ... well, that's another "Pop Original". He made that for Mike and me for our wedding day. How about that old dark wooden dresser you may ask. Well ... that belonged to Mike's Grandfather. That would be Griffin's Great-Grandfather ... and the person he shares his name with. There are so many personal things in his room. Things that we will treasure, forever.

This was Griffin's current toy box. Plastic hampers. Not so cute right?

This is MUCH, MUCH better!! Look how nice it looks here.

It's actually sitting in this little nook in his room. It's kind of bare there right now. That poster is from Griffin's first airplane fly-in in Florida when he was only 2 months old! I want to find one of those long frames with the word FRIENDS cut out. You know the kind of frames where the letters are the places you add the pictures? I'm keeping my eye out for one!

I hope you enjoyed our little tour.

And ... finally ... Adam Carolla was voted off Dancing With The Stars last night. I must say, I think he had the best EVER leaving speech. He said "I've lost 20 pounds of fat, but gained 105 pounds of angel". He was talking about his partner Julianne Hough. Is that not one of the sweetest things you've ever heard? Awwwww ...


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I enjoyed the "tour". Ray is so good with wood. Griffin is soooo lucky to have such loving grandparents. I love his room. I will keep an eye open for the "friends" frame you are looking for. O'Keefe's usually has stuff like that. How did you make out with the "John Deere" shirt you were bidding on? If you didn't get it let me know because I know Cracker Barrell had them. Love you guys.


  2. Missy, Who are those two old people you replaced our pictures with? The toy box was very photogenic. We're glad you and Griffy like it.

  3. I loved the tour. You are so glad to have Nana & Pop in your lives. My dad made me a toy box when I was little and I still have it today. Griffin's is a lot prettier than mine is. I also am into Dancing with the stars. I can't wait to see who wins!!

  4. WOW!!! Griffin's Pop is so talented what a craftsman!!
    I have a jewlery box that my Dad made me when I was about 10 years old and he also signed the bottom like pop did Griffin's toy box and my Dad was a Great craftsman but he is no longer with us and I am so thankful I have his handwriting on the back of my jewlery box that I will cherish forever!!Okay enough about me!
    I love the tour Missy! Cole has the same rug as Griffin does and he has had it for 8 years and still plays with that rug!!
    Hugs! Cecile

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    that is a very cute toy box!

    Have fun learning your new printer :)

  6. That is such a treasure and a true family heirloom. So pretty and so special!!


  7. That toy box will always bring Griffin a smile. What a sweet thing for Pop (and Nana) to make for him.
