Friday, March 14, 2008

Tagged By Cecile.

I've been tagged by Cecile ...
I'm supposed to list 7 Random facts about me ...

7 Random facts about me-

1. I like HAMBURGERS, not CHEESE burgers ... HAMBURGERS ... that means when I order a HAMBURGER leave the cheese off (especially when I tell you too!) ... can you tell I had a moment today at the drive-thru?

2. When I drink coffee, I first add about 1/4 cup of 2% milk to my cup, then a splash of french vanilla cream, then the coffee ... it has to be in that order to get it right.

3. I drink Sweet 'N Low in my iced tea and Splenda in my coffee ... two differnt types of artificial sweetner ... how weird is that?? And ... when I drink iced tea ... it has to be BREWED ... no Nestea or litered tea for me, thank you very much.

4. I'm the "baby" in my family ... even though I'm 40 years old. My sister is 8 years older than me and my brother is 9 years older. I believe I was probably a "happy surprise" for my Momma and Daddy.

5. Okay ... this may be gross ... but I have oily hair. I have to wash my hair everyday ... and lately I've been on a quest for a shampoo remedy. I have looked at almost every single shampoo in the stores and NO ONE has shampoo for "oily hair" anymore ... it's nuts ... growing up there was always a bottle that said for "oily hair" ... not anymore ... they have it for brunettes, for blondes, for dry hair, for wavy hair, for curly hair, for damaged hair ... but not for OILY HAIR, dang it!!!

6. I really like to make people happy. I would much rather "do" for someone than for others to "do" for me. I have a really hard time receiving ... but I love to give. I've always been what I would call a "people pleaser", but as I get older I'm finding it easier to say no. No, No, No, No, NOOOOOOO I said. Just practicing.

7. I love my family ... I met the "man" of my dreams when I was only 17 years old. This year Mike and I will celebrate 23 years together on April 6 ... of course we'll be married 13 years out of those 23 years on April 8 as well. It's scary for me to think that possibly in 14 short years that Griffin may meet his future wife. I'm so lucky to have such a sweet son ... so, so lucky. I am one lucky girl (woman, ughh) to have such a wonderful family!

And now I am going to tag:



  1. I'll definitely get to thinking about my seven things! About the shampoo...its kind of expensive, but Biolage makes a shampoo for oily hairy - its called normalizing shampoo. Some Targets carry it. =)

  2. Missy I will post my Random things soon. I have been out of it the last few days.

  3. Love your list of random facts Missy!

    Someone once told me that if a shampoo was green...and clear...not a creamy was better on oily hair. I don't know if it true but you might want to try it.

  4. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I have oily hair too, I have to wash everyday or else I look like a grease slick, LOL
