Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt.

We met a group of friends at the park yesterday for the 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

We started with a very windy day, added a bunch of really sweet kids, mixed in some fun easter eggs and a GREAT time was had by all!

Harry, Griffin, Samuel, Jack & Joey hunting eggs ...

Griffin finds a bright blue egg ...

Looky ... what's inside!!

Another egg filled with candy ...

Samuel & Darius showing off their loot ...

Griffin enjoying a cupcake that Miss Cyndi made

Jack slip sliding away ...

Harry & Spencer sharing a toy ... Joey, Samuel and Darius playing in the background

Peek-A-Boo ... courtesy of Griffin

The curly slide is SO much fun ...


  1. So much fun hunting eggs. So Cute.
    What a wonderful park to have so nearby

  2. Looks like Griffin and his friends are having so much fun!! And such a Beautiful park too!!
    We go to my Aunts house on Easter for a Easter egg hunt even though Cole is 9 yrs old he still loves it :))
    Have a great day MIssy and Griffin!! Cecile

  3. I miss those days. Mine are to old now. I have to just wait for grandkids.

  4. Is Griffin's Easter Basket a race car? How cute! Looks like they're having a grand time. There's nothing quite as fun to a child as finding a prize egg!

  5. We have {3} hunts Saturday.

    10:00 am - ?
    11:00 am - 2:00 pm
    2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Izabelle wants to attempt to hit all of them:) We are gonna try.
    The one at 10:00 am is at our church..and the one from 2-3 is in our sub. they will have live bunny photos..can't miss those for sure!
