Sunday, March 02, 2008

Chaotic Mess.

Okay ... so I'm in confession mode today ...

My studio work area (read dining room table) was a mess!!

Between my punches, ribbons, glues, chalks, dies, inks, buttons, papers, scissors, pens, flowers, bits and pieces of bears and everything else imaginable ... it was just one HUGE mess!!

So ... yesterday ... I purged ... I put it all away ... where it's supposed to be and got organized. Unfortunately I do not have a picture after organizing it ... BUT ... I have to say ... I am feeling SOOO much better and more creative!!

When Griffin naps today ...

I'm ready to work!


  1. Have fun Creating today! My scraproom (I share a room w/ my husband he runs his construction business out of our home so our third bedroom is an office/scraproom he has 1 desk I have the rest)It was in a mess on friday so I to had to clean it up so I can relate and it does make you feel so much better when it's clean and it sparks my creativity too:))
    Have a great Sunday!

  2. I can remember the feeling of my "work area" being a was sooooo hard to work in when it was like that! What I started doing is when I'd finish one project, I would straighten up the table, put away what I was not going to use for the next project and I'd start off with a clean area. (Not that it stayed that way for long..LOL) I do miss Scappin and wish I could start back at it, but just don't have the time anymore. I miss the creating the most.

  3. Oh...I need to clean up my mess in my scrapbook room too. It's actually a spare bedroom but you can't even see the bed. I should be embarassed to admit that...well actually I am...but I just can't seem to get started.

    My fear is...if I put it all away I won't get it back out and start scrapbooking again. That's how I got so far behind in the first place. So...I guess it will just stay a mess until I catch up my pages.

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    oh you're a slob woman, ROFLMAO!!
