Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vacuuming The Fun Way.

Griffin has discovered that he loves to vacuum!!

He'll actually go to the hall closet and say "Momma wanna do that" ... it's too cute!! I just hope he will keep this up when he is actually old enough to help with chores!!

I've added a couple things to MY EBAY STORE!


  1. Love the Pumkin bear. Fall is my favorite time of the year!

    Hey, send Griffin to my house. I hate to vacuum! Way cute!

  2. Mark loves to push ours around to! If the closet is open he will take it out and push it around. He also loves to sweep!

  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    He's so cute, my Riley runs the other way when I turn mine on! By the way- I got my NY bear in the mail last night- very cute- Thanks again Missy.

  4. My 13 year old used to love to help too...not the case anymore!

  5. Seriously! How cute is he?
    I just want to snuggle him with his little vacuuming skills!

  6. Love this picture!!! He's so cute!

  7. that is too cute -
    i have a surprise for you on my blog missy!

  8. actually - two surprises from the two newests posts lol

  9. Hi Missy, Your little guy is so stinking CUTE!!! I so miss that age and it's nice to be able to relive the moments through you and your little man! My son Cole is 9 yrs old and if i would let him vacuum he would suck up only god knows what :)) Enjoy your sweetie I know I still do enjoy my son but in different ways(saying "NO SON" alot:))
    Take care...Cecile

  10. My 9 year old stills like to vacuum, but the older kids no way..

  11. ummm...I could really use Grinn's help around here. My house needs to be vacuumed. How is he with a mop? Dishes perhaps, if I pull up a chair for him to stand on.
    The enthusiastic helper is short lived. :o)

  12. He is so adorable!

    I can use vacuum help!

