Friday, January 11, 2008


Wow ... that's the only word that comes to mind!!

So many of you have visited and left comments for the freebie give-a-way! This has been SO much fun. You have left some wonderful comments and I've received many direct emails as well. You all are awesome! Don't forget ... if you haven't left your comment yet on the give-a-way post, you can still do so today. The winner will be announced Saturday right here on my blog.

Have you ever had one of those days when things just didn't go as you had planned? Yesterday my friend Heidi called to see if Griffin and I wanted to meet them at the Children's Museum. Yes!! First word out of my mouth. G and I got ready and left a little earlier than we normally would have so we could stop by Michael's. Well, Michael's wasn't necessarily on my little guy's agenda. All he heard was the word "play" ... as in we are going to play at the Children's Museum. I reminded him a couple of times that we were going to stop by the sticker store first. Oh my gosh ... he SCREAMED all the way through Michael's. It was NOT a fun shopping experience for me and probably not for anyone else in the store. Heidi had also stopped by Michael's to pick up a few things, so Griffin and I went to our car to wait for her to finish up. We waited a bit and Griffin was just not backing down ... so I decided to head to Short Pump Towne Center instead of the Children's Museum. I figured we could grab a quick bite for lunch and then Griffin could play in the play area. I should mention I didn't eat anything for breakfast and sometimes when I don't eat like I should I can get a bit antsy (read grouchy). Griffin and I got to SPTC before Heidi and her boys were going to join us so we went ahead and had lunch and then he was able to play. Heidi and her boys arrived, ate lunch and then the boys were able to play together. And then ... Griffin came up to me and said ... I wanna go home. He's never, ever asked to go home before. I asked him several times if he was sure and he was. I know he was tired because we weren't in the car for 5 minutes and he fell asleep. He took a really long good nap yesterday. Sometimes things just do not go as planned, yet they all work out in the end.

And now ...

Look what I've added to my

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