Thursday, January 24, 2008

Me & Paper Piecing.

In yesterday's comments WENDY asked me to share a little about myself and how I got into paper piecing. Thank you for the wonderful idea Wendy ... I'm running out of things to blog about! I'll admit ... I feel a little funny talking about "me" ... but if you insist ... I will. LOL!

Okay ... so you know I'm Missy ... and I'm originally from Central Florida. I was born in raised in a tiny little town in Florida and I lived in my hometown until about four and a half years ago. We relocated to Central Virginia and I love where we live way out in the country.

In the 90s my husband Mike, my sister Joy and her husband James opened a store and we called it Country Sassafras. At first it was a Country Craft Gift Shop of sorts. Kind of like a craft mall. We sold crafter's things on consignment. We made things to sell in the store too like handpainted signs and handmade dolls.

And then one day my friend
ROBIN invited me to a Creative Memories party. And that opened up a whole new world to me. Boy ... I got hooked on scrapbooking right away!!

It was basically right when scrapbooking became popular ... and there were no scrapbook stores in town ... so we thought it would be a great idea to introduce scrapbooking supplies to our store. It was a hit right off the bat.

At first we sold the standard scrapbooking supplies ... and then one day I thought ... hey I'm here in the store ... nothing to do ... I think I'll make some things to see how they sell. Wooo Hooo!! They sold right away! And the rest is history. Our handmade paper piecings and punch art was a success! I'm so glad we started offering them ... but it was really difficult to keep up the pace. My sister and I were always trying to make new things to meet our customer's wants and needs.

At the same time as we sold our stuff in the store, I also started selling some of my own Paper Piecings and Punch Art exclusively on's web auction. Does anyone else remember Jangle? And then a customer came into our store and told me about So in 1997, I started and the rest is history!! I definately started out small ... and over the years it just gained momentum.

(This is one of the first Paper Piecings I sold online in 1997 ... I used a tole painting book for the pattern)

We closed our store in 1999 ... and that allowed more time for me to make and sell things just for me.

Then one day ... one of my Jangle customers suggested I try selling on Ebay. I'll be honest ... I was SCARED of eBay! I don't know why ... but I felt it was so "big" and unknown ... I just didn't know what to do!

(And another one of my first Paper Piecings ... I also used a tole painting book for the pattern)

The first thing I listed on eBay was a punch art Christmas tree. Oh my stars ... that Paper Piecing sold for $25.00! I could hardly believe it!! Well ... as you can imagine ... I was totally hooked on eBay after the first sale.

Over the past 10 years, the trends have definately changed. I am really loving the Tear Bears phase right now ... and I still enjoy making my "kids". They have transformed over the years ... but are still basically the same kids I designed in 1997.

I am still totally in love with making Paper Piecings ... I so enjoy creating new things!! I thank God everyday for allowing me the opportunity to stay home with our son and doing something I love so much.

I've met so many wonderful customers and friends over the years. I'm so lucky.


  1. WOW! I got what I asked for didn't I. That was so interesting. I love that you felt comfortable enough to share all that. What a great story. I am in love with that bear. I will call her the housework Bear. How Cute. Your first piece sold for $25.00 WOW.

    Thanks again for sharing and we are glad you decided to move to our area and I am glad we became blogger friends. I love all your work.

  2. Double WOW! I loved hearing more about who you are. It would be nice if everyone did that. Thank you so much for your Blog comments and all your support. I can't wait to get my first Missy order in the mail. I will definately being posting that on my Blog Site. I am enjoying our Internet connection.

  3. Oh Missy, I LOVE this post!!! I adore posts when people tell more about themselves.

    I remember your store so well. Of course Robin was my CM Consultant too. I also remember taking a class at your store one evening...I know Diane was there...and we punched things out. I made a pizza page layout. I still love it even though it may look a little old fashioned by todays scrapbooking trends. I should post a picture of it.

    Didn't you make an awesome page totally of flowers or something made with just punches? You should do a post on pages made with punches Missy! And post pictures!!!

  4. Wow! What a great post Missy. I remember our "first meeting"....didn't get off to a great start did we? lol
    YOU are the one that actully got me started in Paper Piecing ya know. Laura and I had ordered some things from you and you were so very back logged on orders at that time it took a couple of months to get them. I got so antsy waiting for them that I decided to try and make some on my own. And as you say..."the rest is history" That was 7 years ago(in April) WOW!
    I do miss creating and selling them on ebay..but there's just not enough time in the day for me anymore. I have all my "stuff" put away in the spare room and keep thinking someday I'll start up again. ( I have enough paper to open my own store! I'm such a paper hog) Loved seeing all your tools of the trade too!

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I knew your story :)

  6. Oh Missy, what memories! :) I remember when I first met you, through Scrapals. And our mutual love of Raggedy Ann - I should scan some of my Raggedy pages and share them with you - since your art is featured in some of them...
    I'm in Baltimore right now ~ perhaps when I return, I can do that.
