Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's All About The Deere.

Griffin and I went to the party supply store yesterday and I was pleased to find they have the entire John Deere party collection there!

This is part of the selection the store offered (shhhh ... I cheated and borrowed this image so you could see what the collection looks like). The only thing I couldn't find was little John Deere hats. I know I've seen them somewhere for about $3.00 each. I'll keep looking!

I looked everywhere for the John Deere Valentines yesterday too. No one around here seems to have them. I have a favor to ask ... if anyone is out and about shopping and you happen to run across a box of these valentines ... can you please, please let me know where you found them?

Mike finished his first cross-country solo yesterday. He was so happy!! Soon he will officially have his pilot's license!! I'm so proud of him.

And yesterday I created something new ... I don't know what it is about this bear ... but I'm kinda loving her right now.

If interested you can find her here in


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Very cute new bear.

    Seems John Deere is quite the popular item these days. 2 of my nephews are into it as well.

    I'll keep my eyes open for the Valentines. Did you try google for where you might find them?

  2. Love the John Deere accessories:) Very cute!

    Love the new bear..but all of them are so cute! I am waiting until most of them are "buy it now"..there are so many that I want, but I want to purchase them at one time:)

  3. Missy, I found John Deere Valentines and bought a box. Hope they're the right thing. I'll mail them to you this week.

    Hugs, Andi
