Sunday, December 30, 2007

Wintergreen Resort.

We decided to get away for a few days ...

So we went to the Wintergreen Resort.
Oh my stars ... it was FANTASTIC!!

It's only about an an hour and a half drive from our house, so it was a very easy drive. It's located on the Blueridge Mountain Range. I can not tell you how much fun we had!! We rented a condo and played in the snow for quite awhile on Saturday. This time of year, they had no natural snow fall ... it was all man made ... but honestly ... who could tell the difference? I had a ton of other pictures I was trying to load, but Blogger would only allow me to load 10.

This is a sign of all of the fun activities available at Wintergreen Resort

Mike, Griffin and Bett getting ready to snow tube on "The Slide" area of the resort. We did this over and over (yes even I did it too!) ... it was SO much fun!

And a picture of them at the bottom of the hill

A picture of "The Slide" and over to the right of the picture you can see some of the snowskiers

Griffin having a BLAST snow tubing

This is a picture of the entrance to "The Slide" ...

A picture of a skiing trail

Isn't this gorgeous? I took this from one of the lookouts at the top of the mountain

And another skiing trail

And this is a picture of the local firefighters that paid a visit to our condo. We had a fireplace in our room and smoke was coming into our room even though we did not have a fire going. Bett called the office and expressed a concern and they dispatched the fire department. We had no idea the fire department was coming. Mike had closed the damper on the fireplace which remedied the problem, so we thought no more of it ... until we heard the fire engines coming and then the fire fighters knocking at our doors. They used this little machine thing to make sure there was no fire in the fireplace, which of course there wasn't. Griffin was in Heaven!! He loved meeting "real life" fire fighters.


  1. that's how you got snow! lol
    Looks like you had a great time! I'm so bad at adding to my blog...we went to the Smokie Mts. the week before Christmas and rented a cabin up there. Also went to Dollywood. It was so pretty in the mountains, no snow..but a view to die yours. I'll try to get some pics posted this week. Happy New Year ya'll!

  2. Love the pictures Missy...and the one of Griffin laughing in the snow tube is adorable. Looks like he's having the time of his life.

    Happy New Year!

  3. wow, i know you had a great time. It's nice to have snow so close by. And the fireman wow, I know Griffin was in heaven.

    What a great time, and great pictures

  4. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I love your bears, I love January because of the snow, the winter activities such as iceskating, sledding, building snowmen, and watching the snowflakes fall from the sky, and the shiny icicles. It is one of Good's gifts of nautre.
