Friday, December 21, 2007

We Are Decorated.

Hey Everybody ...
we are finally all decorated for Christmas!

I thought I would share some of our holiday decorating traditions with you ...

I had just began to decorate the mantle ... stockings were hung, garland was up. Mike and I were upstairs gathering more decorations and I heard a huge crash ...

We came down to this mess ... stockings were on the ground and most of our stocking hangers (which I've had for years) were broken. Griffin was playing with the stockings (and he'd been told not to touch them) ... but oh well ... accidents happen.

Bett arrived yesterday ... yeah!! I pretty much had the Christmas tree decorated, but when she arrived from the airport she helped me to finish up the decorating.

Our Christmas tree ...

A close up of our Christmas tree ...

... and another ...

This is a new ornament this year ... I love it with Griffin's picture in it

Every year we put these two white doves on our tree in memory of my Momma & Daddy

So there you have it ... our Christmas decorations ... hope you all have a great day


  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    looks so pretty!
    LOL~I use the same white gate to block off my fireplace hearth

  2. Oh Missy I love the white dove idea for yur parents. I going to tell my sister she just lost her MIL this year and FIL a couple years ago. That is such a sweet idea.

    and I love that ornament of Griffin, cute cute.

    Happy Holidays

  3. Your tree looks beautiful Missy and I love the outdoor lights.

    That's a nice tradition with the doves.

    Little hands like to touch and hold pretty things and yes, accidents do happen.

    Enjoy your Christmas!

  4. I am Wendy's sister. I love the white dove's. I will be running out today to find myself a pair. We lost my Mother In Law this year and my Father In Law 5 years ago. It is hard during this time of year. Thanks for the inspiration. I love it!!!
