Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Unexpected Fun.

Yesterday I had a few errands to run, one of which was picking up my friend Heidi's purse from a local restaurant and then take it by her house. When we got to her house she said we'd had an invitation to all join The Leary's (Lea, Kevin & Kenneth) at the zoo. I was really reluctant to go because I have quite a bit to do at home. But honestly ... it's mid-December and it's 75 degrees outside. Really ... who could pass up a trip to the zoo? Our annual passes will expire at the end of December so it was nice to be able to go one more time before they expire.

We had a really nice time. Normally Griffin spends the majority of time in the stroller because he is very fast and at times doesn't listen to me when I tell him to "stop" or "wait". But yesterday, I was quite proud of him. He ran/walked with the other boys most of the time and listened pretty well. Let me just say this ... when I say Griffin is fast ... I mean he is "FAST". He can get away from me before I even know he's gone. Heidi says he's going to be a sprinter ... LOL.

The animals were very cool yesterday. The big python actually came up to the glass and it appeared as if he was peering at the boys. They really got a kick out of seeing the snake up close. And the black bears ... they came right up to the glass. That was a first too! And they had a baby sheep that was born just last Saturday. He was so little and so white.

I'm really glad we went to the the zoo ... sometimes the most fun is on unexpected outing.

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