Sunday, December 16, 2007

Secret Santa Swap, A Scare, & Dinner With Friends

Wow ... what a title ... Secret Santa Swap, A Scare & Dinner With Friends ... stay tuned and I will share everything in the title with you ...


On Friday we had our Secret Santa Swap at Short Pump Towne Center. Our Friend Cyndi (Harry & Jack's Mom) planned this wonderful event and we had soooo much fun. Unfortunately they were unable to attend due to a family emergency, but they were with us in spirit. And we also wanted to mention Lea and her boys Kevin & Kenneth who were unable to attend also.

This is a picture of most of the group posing with Santa. Several of the guests had already left before we decided to do the photo, so they are not pictured. Let's see ... back to front, left to right you will see ... Missy, Griffin, Evan, Heidi, Samuel, Hannah, Jaylen, Santa, Joey, Corrine, Spencer, Darius, Ryan. Mommies there at the time but not pictured are Carol and Keisha. The guests that had already left were Christina & Zach, Sonda & Dallas, Jenny & Carter, Kristen & Matthew.

Our boys had a blast making a Christmas ornament, playing in the play area, exchanging gifts, eating lunch together, visiting Santa and riding the train.

Spencer is the first one to spot Santa!

This is Hannah, Samuel's sister ... she was a big help to me ... keeping an eye on my little guy while I was helping the other mommies get things organized

Darius ... this little guy is going to be famous for something one day. I'm not sure what he will be famous for ... but I will be able to say "I knew him when" ...

Griffin and me ...

Our guys enjoying lunch ...

This is Matthew ... we drew his name in the Secret Santa Swap

Complete boy chaos ... trying to organize the group photo with Santa

Before leaving the mall, all the kids took a ride on the train

Evan, Griffin and Hannah in the caboose ... I think Samuel is in the caboose too ... you just can't see him

You will never guess who fell asleep on the way home


And now I will share the scare ...

When the party was almost over and we were packing up to go ... Griffin was right beside me one minute, I turned around for a minute ... and he was gone. I mean gone. We looked everywhere for him ... in the play area, by the food court, near Santa. I got over to the elevators and this man says to me "Are you looking for a little guy in a red shirt?" I said "yes". He said "He just went down the elevator, you better take the escalator down" ... so I ran down the escalator along with Hannah. I get down there and he is OUTSIDE in the cold with a lady and her little boy. Oh my GAWD!! I was frantic!!! She said that he held the elevator door open for her, pushed the elevator button to go down. While in the elevator she asked him where his Mommy & Daddy were ... he didn't say. So, she was taking him to the member services office. OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!! I am so, so greatful that a nice woman found my son and was doing the right thing by taking him to the office. He is just so fast ... and I can't even imagine what could/would have happened to him. I think I'm going to create some sort of bracelet for him when we are out with my name and cell phone number on it for him to wear. Just in case. I hope this will never, ever happen again ... but just to be on the safe side. Okay ... we're fine ... I know that ... but it still really tears me up.


Okay ... so yesterday I woke up with another migraine. After sleeping pretty much all day and throwing up too many times ... I thought it would be a good idea to get out of the house for a planned dinner with our friends John and
Cindy (you can view her blog by clicking on her name). We met up at Applebee's and had a nice dinner and conversation. Griffin was very grouchy because we had to wake him up from his nap to head out to dinner. I was very "under the weather" because of the headache ... but Cindy, John and Mike were great company. I feel very bad that Griffin and I were not the best of company. We have to get together again ... and soon!!!

That was our Friday and Saturday. Today I plan to paint some in the living and possibly get the Christmas Tree up. I hope you all have a GREAT Sunday!!


  1. wow...busy weekend Missy. I hope your headache is gone by now and you're feeling better. As any mother can imagine, having your child "unaccounted for" is soooooo scrary. My grandson was like that...I called him "Flash"..cause he was gone in a flash and I had a few episodes like you did. I finally had to get a leash..yes..a leash, when I took him to the mall or airport ect.. You can actully buyt a harness and leash for a child. They are made of soft fiber and easy to use. I know it sounds harsh but I figured the safety of my grandson was worth it and he never seemed to mind it. I think I've seen one recently that hooks to his arm and then to a bracelet..that would be a little less noticable?
    Well give it some thought or just irnore an old lady..LOL
    Love your blouse btw!

  2. What adorable children! Love the group Christmas picture with Santa. I also love your cute sassy know that's my style too! The girl with the zebra strip bag has it going on as the bag.

    Missy, I'm so glad Griffin was with a nice woman. I know that had to give you a terrible scare. He's so active...and so cute with those long eyelashes and loving personalty. I believe women that use a leash in public places like malls and tourist attractions are just keeping their child safe. If you have to do that until he's a little older just get one so when it's just you and G somewhere you don't have to worry.

  3. WOW! What a weekend!

    Let me just say that you are not alone.
    I lost Sam at Target, They ran an amber alert, Oh my goodness!! I freaked Out!!!!!!!!!
    They found her way down in electronics, that was last year, she was six and just got disoriented an wandered off. and I swear it was 2 seconds!!!

    Hope your headaches get better. Thanks for the Christmas Card!

  4. Anonymous6:34 PM

    my youngest has disappeared like that, and yes what a scare! thank god he was found and unharmed.
