Friday, December 28, 2007

A New Favorite Thing.

Today I decided I just HAD to share my new favorite thing!!

I received this wonderful new soap this year as a Christmas gift and I love, love, triple LOVE it!!

I normally do not like lotions at all ... I do not like the way they make your hands feel greasy and gooey. But this soap has lotion built in! And it's a great thing because where we live it's very cold and my hands get very dry.

It's from Bath & Body Works ... it's an anti-bacterial moisturizing hand soap with green tea extract and shea butter. It's has a rich lather to soften and sooth dry hands and it kills germs ... I copied all of that from the package ... LOL!

And the scent ... oh my goodness ... it's called Kitchen Lemon. It's not a scent I normally would have bought for myself because I am very much a vanilla or lavendar kind of girl ... but I am LOVING this!! If you are looking for a new kitchen soap ... I can highly recommend this new favorite thing of mine!!

Okay ... so now I will share ...

Things I've added to my

The first item on the list is brand new ... the other four are things I've listed before, and took time to make them again!!

We are off for an adventure today ... will share when we get back!


  1. Love the 2007 Bear.

    Have FUN on your adventure today!

  2. I got the SAME kind of soap in my Stocking from
    Mine is called Tropical Passionfruit says all the same things yours does on the lable. I haven't tried mine yet, but since you love yours x3...guess I'll try it! Have a Happy New Year Missy!

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I love B & BW soap. I stocked up big time on them at the holidays when they were on sale.
