Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas Shopping.

It snowed yesterday. Not really enough to say "it snowed" ... but white, fluffy stuff fell out of the sky for about 3 hours yesterday. It didnt' stick. It accumulated just a little bit on the trees and bushes, but quickly melted.

I guess that's all it took to get me in the Christmas spirit. After returning from Mommy 'N Me Gym yesterday, I put Griffin down for his nap. He jumped and was singing for an hour in his bed, never falling asleep so about 2:00 I went up to get him and decided to do some Christmas shopping.

We went to Big Lots, Michael's, Target and Kohl's. I only found one gift out of all of those stores. Can you believe that? Griffin is participating in a Secret Santa Swap, so we found the gift for his little friend. Now I still have EVERYONE to buy for.

After our little shopping adventure, we met Mike at Sam's Club and stocked up on groceries. But lo and behold this morning I discovered I forgot one very important item. Bananas! I guess I will have to make a quick stop by the grocery store for just bananas sometime today. Really with a two-year old in tow there is nothing "quick" about any stops. LOL.

We have plans to visit our friends Heidi, Ryan, Evan and their "meows" today. Everytime we pass the road that leads to Heidi's house Griffin says "Heidi's House, Meow, Meow, Meow". It's really cute. They have two dogs and five cats and he loves playing (read harassing) the cats.


  1. I know you love our Florida weather but I would adore just a touch of snow!!!

  2. Don't feel Christmas shopping must wait until after graduation - only six days to get it bought and wrapped! UGH! How's your foot doing?

  3. I feel almost guilty telling you I've done ALL my Christmas shopping. This is the first year EVER that I have it done before the 20th of Dec. Don't know how it worked out like this..but I feel pretty good about it! lol
    I saw on the news it was snowing up your way..was so jealous! lol
    Have a great weekend.
